New and “Far Out” Opinions on the Kepler Star Discovery

This is a bit more of a background on the phenomenon that has left so many astronomers baffled:

Just because science doesn’t yet have an explanation for what’s happening at KIC 8462852 doesn’t mean it’s aliens. Most major discoveries don’t have an obvious explanation at first. But whatever is happening on this faraway star, it’s sure to be something interesting.

Indeed, it’s hard to imagine either aliens or natural celestial bodies dampening a star’s light output that much over such a short period of time.

It’ll be a while yet before we’ve solved the mystery of KIC 8462852. But this is what’s great about scientific discovery. Literally all possible explanations are on the table at this point—and the truth about this tantalizing star could be more fascinating than we ever imagined.

They are focusing a lot more attention on this thing.  It may be one of the most fascinating discoveries of the last decade or more in astronomy depending on who you ask.

Check back for more on this story.

thanks to popsci for the great info

thanks to newscientist for the great info

thanks to gizmodo for the great info

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