Programmable Can Change Form Into Anything

As usual, in regards to any technological breakthroughs the comments get very spirited and some enthusiastic ideas on the applications and potential are shared!

commenter AlphaOmega says:

programmable matter has incredible potential for the distant future, assuming it will one day be able to mimic various properties of matter. Imagine a world where entire cities and highways are constructed from this stuff. A common news headline would be something like “Time Square To Receive New Update This Evening, v13.0.0.1”.

ErikaK is also excited on the future of this technology:

This is absolutley amazing!! Who cant love science???? I know some christians who say this type of thing is the work of satan himself. Lol What a shame that they cant truly enjoy and embrace the technology we have today, the technology coming in the future, without thier fears of the end. This is an amazing video!

Is this bizarre substance/invention going to be used in a lot of technical products?  Feel free to comment with your ideas.

thanks to


  1. Scott Riffle said:

    Yes the potential for this is as beautiful as it is catastrophic. On one hand it could create a world where “reduce reuse recycle” would take on a whole new meaning. Never having to “throw away ” anything almost instantaneous rebuilding remodeling of entire homes cities furniture cars the applications are endless. On the other hand the applications are equally endless to create death on an unprecedented scale. Interesting tech. Very far away perhaps by the time it’s ready we will have evolved morally to the point we can use such technology responsibly. The potential applications are way too powerful.


