Russian YouTubes Lights Up 10,000 Sparklers To Bring In The New Year

What he does is amazing

Now that is one way to celebreate!  Cool science experiments are universal and this video has over 12 million pageviews and is entirely in Russian.  This does not appear to be the work of “Crazy Russian Hacker”.  The reason for the mention is that he is by far one of the most well known YT experimenters, in addition to being from Russia hence his name.


Here is a brief blurb on the history sparklers from wikipedia and they appear to be potentially older than many people thought:

Although the history of the invention of the sparkler has not been elucidated, some sources report that the very first sparkler was called a Cherosiphon and it was invented in AD 670 by a citizen of Heliopolis named Callinicos.[4] His invention was originally intended as a weapon known as Greek fire and it was used on approaching enemy ships.[5] Later, it was adapted for use as a celebratory instrument used on festive occasions.

Just for a comparison this is the light emitted from one sparkler so there is a point of reference to what we see in the video.


And for your viewing pleasure, since we mentioned him, first we found a sparkler video from CRH.  In this one he dunks them in a pyrex cup full of H2O.

One of the commenters who has seen many videos by him had this to say you may or may not agree:

This is one of the few times in your videos that you actually explained why something happened!

And now, the new year’s video we mentioned.  We hope you enjoy and check back for more awesome science experiments.


