Astronomers Spotted a Strange Comet-Like Alien Planet…

uh were you aware of this?

Astronomers have spotted something potentially stranger than most exoplanets.  Exoplanets are of course those orbiting star systems and ones that may be similar to ours.  Kepler 452-b is the most Earth like that we have found to date.  The atmosphere in particular is one that has astronomers excited.

And now here is more about this absolutely bizarre finding.  This planet “GJ 436b” is completely unusual and is blowing off tons and tons of gas per second.  It is strange and awesome! Here is more info:

A Neptune-size planet appears to be masquerading as a comet, with a gargantuan stream of gas flowing behind it like a comet’s tail.

The bizarre find is the first of its kind ever discovered by astronomers. The strange, cometlike planet, known as GJ 436b, is orbiting a red dwarf star and is about 22 times as massive as Earth. Astronomers detected the giant gas cloud around the planet using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Have you ever heard of something like this before?  And what about that massive size at 22x our own planet wow!

Let’s find out more and check out a video with graphics of this thing on page 2

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  1. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    Probably a rouge – ejected from a distant Solar System somewhere. Tracing its trajectory and orbit would probably determined where it originate from.


