Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy is…

Did you even know it had this many stars?  Here is a bit more information about our very own black hole:

That center — bulging up and out of the galactic disk — is tightly packed with stars.

Thick dust and blinding starlight have long obscured our vision into the mysterious inner regions of this so-called “bulge.”

And yet, the clues have been piling up, that something important…something strange… is going on in there.

The first to take notice was the physicist Karl Jansky back in the 1930s.

He was asked by his employer, Bell Telephone Labs, to investigate sources of static that might interfere with what it saw as the killer app of its time… radio voice transmissions.

Can you believe the story of the first finding of the bulge and the radio transmission description?  And with other large telescopes coming online later this year we should get more info about it soon.


