The Magnetic Motor Debate Continues

Here is one comment that is skeptical about these kind of videos:

These types of videos have been around many years now, all claim to be just about ready to break through but seem to need, just a little more funding to carry them to the end. These videos will be re-posted year after year with different titles. (The Secret) Do you want to know what a Con Man looks like. Watch the video again – – – Cheers

Although the publisher of this video makes an interesting point:

if this was in the 80’s imagine what the government has today…

I think what he is trying to demonstrate is that this isn’t necessarily the most advanced perpetual motion or magnet motor ever (most motors run on magnets) but more of an indication that people have been exploring this area for a while.

Commenter Ritchie Payne has an interesting remark:

everyone knows that magnets turned a certain way will repel away from each other. the story is that this power is used to generate a force. the scam, is that we are being lied to by big businesses that do not want to lose all that money for something we can get on our own.- alternate energy.

We hope you enjoy the video.

thanks to Sandy Noble for the pic

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