These Archaeological “Pipes” Are Dated At 150,000 Years Old?? Seriously

Below is a larger pic of the area and one of the pipes.  Here is what they had to say:

And if they were made by humans, history as it is commonly viewed would have to be re-evaluated.


The dating was done using thermoluminescence, a technique that determines how long ago crystalline mineral was exposed to sunlight or heated. Humans are only thought to have inhabited the region for the past 30,000 years. Even within the known history of the area, the only humans to inhabit the region were nomads whose lifestyle would not leave any such structures behind.

What do you think?  Was this made by locals, is their dating system wrong or is there another explanation?

Feel free to comment.

thanks to for the great info

thanks to for the great info

thanks to for the great pic


  1. Jesse Martinez said:

    This along with the hieroglyphs found in the pyramids in ancient egypt indicating that our ancestors witnessed airplanes, and also ufo’s…leads a curious mind to speculate that the fabric of time has its own natural ways of bending itself. The theory of relativity as Einstein theorized..all time is happening at once. We ruined the planet once before, but we are now on the awakened path. A higher state of consciousness will be our guide to evolution. Soon leaving Earth for Mars, and leaving the color of our epidermis somewhere in space for the color grey. And racism will fade into the past. The Bermuda triangle also just opened up, and a 90 year old vessel came back to this time.

  2. Brian Pittman said:

    When will they realize that Mars has no atmosphere because humans were there and destroyed it by using up the fossil fuels and nuclear weapons just like we are going to do to thus planet

  3. Jesse Martinez said:

    What if. Just what if, this idea was true. This is all a test, everything going wrong in our world, and in our personal lives. Every fear, that lies behind our eyes when theyre closed at night. Is to conqour personal demons on an individual level, and the worlds as a whole? That Evil could be the good, testing u on how far your willing to go. To stand unoted as a species, and let go of differances.


