They Sent “Space Messages” to the Edge of the Solar System

Here are some of the more spirited comments from this video thread:

Commenter panda had this to say:

What if every planet in our solar system is inhabited, but they aren’t that as stupid as to just live on the surface, or are so smart that they have technology that makes us think that they don’t exist.

Commenter Lightzz had this to ask vsauce as well:

Why do we always assume aliens would come to trade off knowledge? Don’t we ever think they might just come to slave us? Kill us? Get our resources? I don’t know, it seems meaningless to go visit someone just to say hello right? There has to be a more valuable reason behind the visit.

If nothing else this gives us a lot to think about.

thanks to Allison Hill for the pic


  1. Rob Rodriguez said:

    So useless. Even if there are others somewhere in space. What make you think they speak any of our languages, use our numbers, or even have the right technology to receive our messages???

  2. Willard Debeest said:

    No one is talking about this because, there is nothing new here with this story. If some ET’s brought the cd-rom back, to ask how to read it, then someone would be talking about this. Old news!

  3. Jim Ericksen said:

    You’re useless.
    1. We’ve broadcasted enough that any intelligent life in the solar system could easily decode our language.
    2. Numbers are universal. They are not a human invention. They are one thing we can be CERTAIN of that other intelligent 3 dimensional lifeforms WILL understand.
    3. If they possess intelligence it is only a matter of time until they begin to utilize the electromagnetic spectrum of light+radio communication.


