They’re convinced time travel happened in 1980

Here is more from the reported incident:

A sphere of tingly energy surrounded the UFO causing radio interference with the base, and induced a hazy state of confusion and timelessness for the two men who approached it. When patrol seargent Jim Penniston got close enough to touch some black markings etched onto the craft, it blasted off in a brilliant burst of light.

As the men staggered back to the road, Penniston was left with the crystal clear impression of a long series of ones and zeroes that he did not understand, but copied into his notebook. It would take almost thirty years until someone recognized that this was a message in binary code, and translated, it seems to be from time travelers from the year eighty-one hundred.

The message says:
“ Exploration of Humanity,
Continuous for planetary advance,
Fourth coordinate continuous” – Which seems to refer to time travelling explorers.

And then a series of map coordinates that refer to ancient places of power, like the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Nazca Lines of Peru.

We hope you like the video and find it interesting!


  1. Chris Casey said:

    Aliens use the same exact date format that humans do. Wow. They couldn’t piece that together. Nope gotta be time travelers from year of our lord 8100 A.D


