This Supernova Goes Against Astronomical Theory

Most supernovas are expected to occur in areas with a lot of stars within galaxies.  Here is one though that defies what astronomers usually expect:

A recently discovered supernova has left astronomers scratching their heads. It’s in the wrong cosmic neighborhood, and from the vantage point of conventional theory is behaving quite badly.

Here is an excerpt from wikipedia:

The last directly observed supernova in the Milky Way was Kepler’s Star of 1604 (SN 1604); remnants of two more recent supernovae have been found retrospectively.[7] Observations in other galaxies indicate that supernovae should occur on average about three times every century in the Milky Way, and that any galactic supernova would almost certainly be observable in modern astronomical equipment.

Let’s find out more about this mysterious supernova in the video on page 2

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