“Time Travel” Experiment From 1971 Proved That…

The narrator has a very insightful comment explaining what might be happening in depth:

The time mentioned here is the dimension of space-time we understand using mathematical equations. When someone says “what time is it?” the question means “what is the agreed measure we use to distinguish our location (like latitude or longitude) in space-time?” It is another unit we use to determine/communicate our location in space-time. The difference from other dimensions is, if you don’t move on the surface of earth, your latitude and longitude won’t change but things constantly move in the time dimension. Things move from what we call past to future. Before Einstein, we thought past would be gone and future would come into existence along the way however he realized and showed us that past, present, future all exist in the same way. We feel a flow from past to future.

He also has a follow up reply to some of the comments.  Not sure if this explains in enough detail to agree with but he might be onto something:

The only way you can understand this is to understand this first: time is a dimension like X, Y, Z (say corresponding to width, height and depth). So, yes, there is a number on the time dimension which corresponds to your location which happens to be in the future, as well as in the past or at this moment. Your past, your now and your future exist in the same way. However this does not mean your future is predetermined. It is very difficult to understand this; perhaps impossible for humans at the moment. Watch my other videos regarding Quantum Mechanics (illusion of distance, rigid objects etc) which will help you develop an intuition about nature of reality. No one fully understands these, so don’t worry if you can’t.

We hope you like the video and feel free to comment with your own theories.


  1. Adam Ryan Spears said:

    It seems as thought there really is no such thing as ‘the present’. It seems as though there is only past & future, which are relative to one another.

  2. Andy Acock said:

    Am I wrong here,or is all of this based on “perception”???
    Which may,or may not be reality based on who’s perception we view!
    Like the example of the rulers “appearing” longer,or shorter depending on who’s “perspective” we view from,when in fact both rulers are exactly the same length,they only “appear” longer or shorter to our eyes with movement!!!

    Basically our eyes are nothing but light sensors,and are easily fooled!!
    So how can we base an entire theory based on something so inaccurate!!??


