To This Day No One Can Get Their Mind Around It..


The science of endless time is debated yet this guy thinks he figured it out.  In a fascinating video, they examine this notion.  There are opinions from all perspectives on this one.

The one philosopher near the start of the video states infinity is an illusion just like the speed of light once was. Does this even make sense?

There are people on both sides of the debate here, and this is a strong opposing view that has lasted for centuries.  Well here is a fascinating video covering this controversial topic:

“The infinite! No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man,” said David Hilbert, one of the most influential mathematicians of the 19th century. A subject extensively studied by philosophers, mathematicians, and more recently, physicists and cosmologists, infinity still stands as an enigma of the intellectual world. Thinkers clash over questions such as: Does infinity exist? Can it be found in the physical world? What types of infinity are there? Through an interdisciplinary discussion with some of the world’s leading thinkers, this program will delve into the many facets of infinity and address some of the deepest questions and controversies that mention of the infinite continues to inspire.

Let’s find out what these philosophers and scientists have to say about infinity in the video on page 2

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  1. Kevin Melser said:

    Terry Gardner you missed my point. There’s a difference between measuring time and time measurement. The Babylonians and the Mayan did not measure the day in hours, minutes, or seconds. They had their own units. As for the 12 inches in a foot, that standard (eventhough only 3 countries in the world use it), but most scientific calculations are done in metric. And you might want to re-read Alternating Currents. Edward Leedskalnin, who wrote it and built the Coral Castle, argued that there are 3 parts to A/C, positive, negative and neutral. It’s why the A/C outlets in America are 3-pronged while most of Europe uses 2-prongs.

  2. Larry Lawson said:

    You love your mind dont you…others may comprehend the concepts you think only you can understand but choose not to belittle others for not…maybe your brilliant mind should explore the concepts of how humans should interact with other humans.

  3. Terry Gardner said:

    Keven- the babylon discovered the 60 by 60 by 24. Edwards book is heavly coded & you dont know his code at all !
    As far as standard vs metric- when/if you ever break the ancient code you’ll understand both standard & metric innertwinne in2 the anomaly free calculations of physics energy. Proper anomaly free energy calculations are broken down & build up by both standard & metric- all pyramids are engineered by this long decimal 4mat.
    Spend your Time solving the anomalies of Time & learning the code instead of waisting my Time. Edwards code refers to energy that you are reading at face value not the coded aspects. Edward – tesla & even Einstein coded things highly protected by secret societies.
    I refuse 2 even reply 2 your ignorant comments til you invest time in breaking the code. The measurement mayan Babylon & egypt used was the innertwinned 4mat of both standard & metric most dont understand & the secret societies that do know it dont openly speak of it.
    Yes larry i do enjoy the knowledge i know & im not ashamed 2 state that. I invedted yrs in2 breaking the master code of math- physics- philosophy- engineering of energy.
    Your reading coded things & misinterpreting them by face value, you honestly think i dont know how u.s. & European outlets work? Edwards code of positive negative & neutral refers 2 earths gravitational grid system & how theres a/c electric- d/c electric as well as a vastly more Powerfull system of a/c created from & innertwinned 2 d/c as a mechanical perpetual energy that can not only lift multi ton stone but propell anti gravity transportation & power entire cities + more.
    This is what tesla started building at wardencliff 2 send free wireless energy world wide, & yes i am building working prototypes of these designs.
    B4 you bother me again at least attempt 2 research the clues i wrote prior & yes i even coded all my statements above & prior.
    You seem 2 like old sayings so ponder this 1-
    “The ultimate ignorance is denying what you dont understand without researching it yourself”
    Larry i interact well with people of logic & i attempt 2 teach others with open minds, i grow tired of people who read false info as fact &/or refuse 2 believe coded knowledge exists.
    Do you even know the code of Myth?
    Myth is a compound of math/physics, mythology is math/physics/philosophy. Mythological is math/physics/philosophy & psychology. These myths stories Highly Code aspects 2 many many things ancient cultures knew & exploited that even nasa dont know.
    The bible & all other scripts of faith code vast Wisdom, im not religious but exodus is a hand book of how 2 alter physics, it taught me vast energy knowledge. Edward used the bible code in his books- north south east west is an energy code 2 defy gravity- i know what exodus 34 : 10-19 means & YES “I SHALL DO MARVELS UNSEEN UPON EARTH BY ANY NATION” & YES “ALL THAT OPENETH THE MATRIX IS MINE”
    Larry u may view me as self centered but im actually doing this 4 humanity’s future, Im going 2 patent this powerfull energy system so no1 elts can hold humanity hostage over energy costs, then im going 2 gift it 2 the world 4 free. Im going 2 write detailed instructions on how 2 build this so over time the entire world can retro fit homes & cars with endless free clean natural energy. In time nuclear power plants will shut down & the mid east will lose their oil fortunes.
    I may be an$#%&!@*hole online because everytime i post a comment anyplace i get many people replying on aspects they dont fully understand. Plz be careful b4 u judge me & remember most things your taught in school & read online are not as true as you think. Most of history is a 1/2 truth at best, thats you things are heavly coded in ancient stone! Thats why most Babylonian stones were destroyed.
    Rethink everything you were ever taught & reread things as a coded aspect not at face value.
    Im an$#%&!@*hole but i have great intent upon future humanity. Im gifting free clean energy at the personal loss of a Vast fortune!
    I shall not reply further so insult me all you wish!

  4. Terry Gardner said:

    P.s. ron, i give u a “golf clap” 4 the ability 2 google other peoples writings & write clip notes as if you pondered it yourself & conceived the philosophy???
    Do you honestly know what the differences are between measuring time & times measurement??? I mean without reading other peoples concepts or googling things 2 rewrite do you honestly know?
    Do you truly understand the ancient cubic system?
    Can you utilize the cubic system of egypt Babylon or mayan 2 properly engineer a True & flawless pyramid without using a existing pyramid as a model?
    Its obvious you simply googled info & copied things you dont Really understand.
    You not only didnt write the philosophy but didnt ponder its universal perpetual aspect.
    “If” you create an original idea i will reply, otherwise sleep well in bliss.

  5. Argharna Mingan said:

    Time as man sees it can’t be infinite because man is not infinite. Only the space- time could be considered as infinite however at a point it folds back on its self due to gravity. So I suppose if you bounced it around it could theoretically be infinite, but ultimately due to thermodynamics the universe in which the space time fabric exists will cease to exist. So the question then becomes, is time relative to our plane(dimension) or will we be able to perceive it outside this existence? If that is the case then we can assume time is in fact infinite.

  6. Cody Ray said:

    Individual numbers and symbols are a human construct used to describe the very real environment . if math is a human construct . then why does 1 apple plus another apple always equal 2 apples .. That is intrinsic to the nature of reality ..

  7. Nate Emery said:

    There is only perpetuation. Nothing else. Only the perpetuation of perpetuation. Not of life, necessarily, but of the universe itself (in which life splotchily exists). Humans will literally die for the perpetuation of [ourselves] our planet, but our planet will metaphorically die for the perpetuation of our solar system, as it will metaphorically die for the perpetuation of our galaxy etc etc. There is nothing special about our existence other than the fact that we have realized it. Never did that mean there had to be a “reason” it came about. We came to exist the same way the stars did: billions upon billions of chemical reactions. Therefore we are only a conscious witness to the perpetuation and re-manifestation of chemicals and chemical compounds. We exist as part of, as well as inside of “infinity” because the universe will infinitely perpetuate, but we will not infinitely experience it.

  8. Ryan Schlicker said:

    Jimmy what you say is the most logical thinking I’ve ever read man. That’s how I feel to about the universe. I feel either the universe is a virtual reality created by an extremely intelligent life form we will never know or see. Or the universe and just a vast endless dark void of an infinite amount of space. I’ve always wondered if the universe eventually has a boundary or walls enclosing the universe itself

  9. Tony Hines said:

    Humans cant be that dumb. Thats a big question. Yea it exist. What is energy. Can it be created or destroyed. No just transferred. So what does that add up too. Infinity

  10. Ja Kob said:

    People need to grasp that time is not a measurement or unit. Minutes, age, years, and dates/calendars are man-made measurements of time just like inches, miles, and square-inches are man-made spatial units of measurement. Saying time doesn’t exist is like saying spatial dimensions (space) don’t exist. It doesn’t matter if you change time zones or are frozen for 100 years, if you’re on earth you’re experiencing time the same as everyone else, it’s just many (for whatever reason) don’t get it.

    If you are frozen today at age 18 for a 100 years and then are successfully recessitated, you will be 118 years old but have the biological age of an 18 year old. This example is trivial though. If someone left earth going to the sun at the speed of light and returned, for us here on earth we’d perceive that 20 years went by, we’d also age 20 years. The traveler however, would only think moments had gone by and would be the same age. Now let’s throw in an alien observer, one that can watch us on earth and the traveler at the same time like watching a video. From his perspective, relative to us on earth the traveler would be moving extremely slow (him not his ship) and relative to the traveler we’d be moving extremely fast. If the traveler looked out a window as he passed something it’d just look like that object was the thing moving really fast. It’s important to note that time still feels the same to everyone though. They have already proven this in a sense with experiments with space shuttles and astronauts. They’ve found astronauts in space for long times age less (albeit barely) than us earth dwellers.

    Change things up and put a clock on the space ship, surely now the traveler will see something is off, right? Nope. To the traveler flying at the speed of light the clock looks normal. If he were to pass by a camera recording him pass by and it beamed images back to us on earth, both he and his clock would look extremely slow.

    Just try to break away from thinking of time in terms of revolutions around a star, numbers on a clock, and the amount of cellular divisions cells in a human body goes through.

  11. Ja Kob said:

    Bill, sorry for delay did not notice you responded. Don’t know of a video off hand on the matter of time but I’ll post one on infinity I recently came by:

    I am almost able to guarantee the 4th component in Schrodinger’s equation isn’t expansion. You see, the amazing thing about the equation is that the ‘time’ component is on one side of the equation and the spatial dimensions are on the other. The time component will equal the sum of all spatial compnents. The equation works with examples having one spatial dimension (x), two (x and y), and three (x, y, and z). If we ever find more spatial dimensions it can be expanded to account for them and still work! I’ll try to explain this in a way that hopefully wont be confusing, the time component is likely not any sort of expansion component in that expansion would still be a spatial component. The equation involves taking derivatives of each component (x, y, z, and t) separately. Derivatives can tell you the rate of change of something respective to something else. To elaborate, imagin a huge blob moving down a road. In all liklihood although it may appear to be moving in a straight line parts of it are at times probably still moving upwards or downwards or leftwards and rightwards. With these partial derivatives, you’ll know how the object is changing respective to each possible direction it can move. Then there’s still the time component of the equation.

    Another interesting factoid is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Most people know it as ‘you can never know both the position of something and its speed at the same time.’ However, that is to break it down to understand easier. The real principle is related to the time and energy of something. Remember our concept of speed relies on time. In short, the more precisely you try to measure where something is exactly, the less you know about where it came from or where it’s going. The more precisely you try to measure the future of something (predictions it’s travel path for instance) the less you’ll know about where it currently is.

    There are numerous real life examples of the uncertainty principle. Look up dual slit experiments, there are some real elaborate ones. Also, I’ve read that astronauts in space for long periods of time actually age less than us surface dwellers and that timing units on certain space equipment has to take time dilation into account.

  12. Sean Simmons said:

    PI doesn’t “go on forever”, our *measurement* of pi in base 10 goes on forever. Pi is simply right there in front of us every time we make a circle (in theory). To measure pi absolutely is unnecessary as we can say it is between two such values that any benefits to zeroing in on a more accurate measurement would be offset by variables inherent in the physical situation (irregularities in the molecular structure of the ruler, even laser beams slightly bent by the earth’s gravity)
    All fun as a mental exercise but in actuality, meaningless.

  13. Ja Kob said:

    Jimmy Wright first my apologies for all the book posts I’m leaving, just love this subject. Think about this, we don’t really even know what space is. What is width? Depth? Length? You can start with some arbitrary measurement like a meter, then realize a meter isn’t anything tangible, what is it that’s actually a meter long? Maybe you’re measuring a stick. Ok, zoom in, you get cells, zoom more: atoms. Keep going, now you realize you’re looking at things that somehow exist as particles and a waves at the same instance, and yet as small as they are an infinite amount of space exists between them (think electrons and protons). If you try to observe them in too much detail you literally change their behavior, as if they are conscious. Yet, it’s the chaining of these intangible mysteries that are the building blocks of what we use to try and measure space.

    We believe we found the sub atomic carrier of mass, the higgs-boson, it’s what would give things that sense of being tangible that we think of when we touch something – in fact that’s not true though, you never really touch something. At a sub atomic level the electrons in your hand and the object repel each other, ‘touching’ is not real – but we still have a lot to study before saying we really know what constitutes ‘space’ (our 3 spatial dimensions).

    Also, a lot of theories point to there being up to 11 spatial dimensions that we dont perceive (string theory, that bubble membrane universe theory). All this and yet it’s time that every has a problem accepting. We take space for granted.

    Einstein proved that space and time are bound together. Whatever fundamental principles are behind space are likely the same culprits behind time. Don’t think of time in terms of history, that’s a man made concept. We believe in a beginning and an end because of how WE experience time and because of our biology. Time may be more than that. It IS something though. Schrodinger’s equation, which was a break through for quantum mechanics, directly related time and space components of sub atomic particles. From it (I believe, it’s been a while) all the classic physics equations can be derived (it’s not ‘the’ unified theory though).

  14. Jimmy Wright said:

    I agree, These are the things i have been trying to explain. You cant put a beginning or end to time or space. We really dont have a true grasp on all these things. This was proven in quantum physics double slit experiment. We proved how much we really dont understand.

  15. Bill Lang said:

    Thanks for the info. I’ve also read that it has been proven that two synchronized atomic clocks, one on a fast moving plane and one on the ground will show slightly different times at the end of the plane trip and that GPS satellites need to take into account time dilation for accurate positioning. I’ve been reading about the time independent wave equation for stationary states but there’s still a nagging little voice in the back of my head. I guess I can accept that time exists even if nothing in the universe could move which would prevent us from measuring time. That does go along with Schrodinger – just because you can’t measure it doesn’t mean it can’t exist, it just means you can’t verify what state it is in.

  16. Alan Carnell said:

    And that’s just in the 3 dimensions we can perceive. The others we cannot fully grasp either. There is one dimension than is incredibly small but is the same ‘distance’ from every single point in our universe.

  17. Clark Jones said:

    From a 3 dimensional perspective his statement has merit however even if the universe did have a starting and ending point, from a 4 dimensional perspective there is no time it would contain both start and end thus the essence of infinity. The reason infinity seems illusory is because if you’re measuring it in regards to time (or space-time) it is because time is in fact an illusion

  18. Victor Leon said:

    I believe past, present and future occur and exist simultaneously. Think of a time traveler. If he leaves his present time to go to the past to witness “past life”, is the time period he left not continuing? Vice versa with the future.

  19. Shawn James said:

    Infinity is not a qestion it is an answer for what is can never be what is not,,, the fire is infinity when it doesn’t touch the embers,,, infinity is a mind freed of any doubt,,, infinity is a moment that captures everything,,, time is a circle without end,,, an arrow in space cutting through atoms cutting this universe in half,,, infinity is everywhere at all times it is our eyes that cannot see it is our minds that cannot comprehend !!!

  20. Daniel Cuneo said:

    Time was created by the Big Bang our personal units of time are based off of a hydrogen atoms hyperfine transitions which tick “on” and “off” hence why we have an atomic clock that our worlds time zones are based off of. Also outside our universe IMO is very abundant in dark matter and energy also about a billion times more hydrogen then in our universe. Everything we know as “reality” was created by a Big Bang caused by the pressurization of hydrogen under the massive amount of gravitational density of dark matter, which dips/bends…lets just call it the “astral plain” (term used to describe an invisible boundary) in time the density creates a bowl type dip which collects more hydrogen and dark matter into a point the size of the tip of a pen, then boom. The force put off from the Big Bang separates the super dense dark matter from now much lighter debris that was formed by 100’s of billions of hydrogen atoms splitting (nebula novas, stars, and supernova turn hydrogen into every abundant element in our universe) creating a bubble that is ever expanding. This bubble created by the massive shock wave contains and created our known laws of science, beyond the boundary of our universe (if possible to traverse beyond the boundary of our universe, imo it would be impossible) which is called the Planck Length, our laws of science and physics do not and cannot exist. Beyond that boundary everything that governs what makes you does not exist, your perspective of reality would not exist beyond this boundary, so you wouldn’t be able to see physical matter, smell, feel, hear or taste anything because those feature will not exist outside our universe. So really we are all on an infinite fabric in which finite universe are created and exist, all created by bangs of different sizes some universes, the real question is this, are our laws of science universal in our multiverse or does each “Big Bang” create different laws of science depending on the size of the bang? That is my theory so far and so far it accommodates the creation/use of all our laws of physics and science that I have applied to it.

  21. Jimmy Wright said:

    Very well said Daniel Cuneo but if there are multiple bang how do you know which one started time? And why not start the count before the bang? We have BC and AD maybe we need BBB and AB lol

  22. Duane Ball said:

    Man… Too much and too many blind, angry idiots to get into it with here… You guys can go ahead and say that I’m taking an easy cop out by not running my mouth on Facebook but I’m just gonna leave you all to it… A lot of what a lot of you said is wrong, and some of it is correct… I don’t have the time for you fools… Not just that, you wouldn’t believe in the evidence if it slapped you in your moronic faces… Hence your ignorance… Go ahead and run your mouth facebookers I have better ways to waste my time… Go learn something like I did

  23. Ramon Lozano said:

    Price Harville what place is not correct….or event? Hell, there’s even proof of the deluge! Sodom and Gomorrah, which all critic said didn’t exist, WERE found by srcheologists(not theologians)

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