Top 10 Signs That Aliens Actually Exist

This is of course a hotly debated topic in the scientific, astronomy and science fiction community alike.

Commenter DM poses an interesting question:

I’ve always wondered, if there is bacteria on mars, wouldn’t that mean there’s a possibility of some of that bacteria preiviously evolving into life, that became a civilization like our own but that either fell by other life forms or destroyed themselfs like we have a high chance of doing eventouly. They could have also left their planet because the did not think it was suitable for life anymore, or that they knew of our existence and desided to leave and allow our species and civilization to grow. And if they were attacked or even just left they could come back and check on our growth as a species which would explain UFO’s

Commenter SG had this to say in reply:

Sounds possible yes, but very long ago (I forget when I learned about this last year lol) Mars was much like Earth, with oceans, possibly trees, etc. But due to its much smaller size and farther distance from the sun, it was not able to retain it’s heat for ever, much like the water in a bath will gradually drop temperature more and more and more, and the less hot water in the bath, the less time it will take for it to cool off. Losing enough heat caused Mars’ core to freeze. And since it is the core that creates the protective magnetic field that protects the planet from the harsh radiation of the sun, with it being frozen, there was nothing to protect the surface from the relentless strikes of the solar winds. Over time, all of Mars’ water and/or vegetation was destroyed or evaporated into space, leaving behind what we see Mars as now. Earth will, too one day cool off and become much like Mars, but since its much bigger and closer to the sun I hope that won’t be for a few billion years. 🙂

^Not for sure if this is all correct, we had a unit on space in science last year, and we talked about this.

We hope you like the video and were intrigued by these observations!


  1. Kevin Ismael said:

    Why do we wonder if ‘aliens’ exist?

    Do humans exist?
    Do dolphins exist?

    We are alien to some other creature(s) in the universe. To wonder if ‘aliens’ exist is to wonder of your own existence. It’s silly. Accept it and move on.

  2. Mike Guay said:

    I’ve no doubt that somewhere in this vast universe, or in a adjacent universe, that there is other intelligent life.
    But, physics as we currently understand them today, would seem to preclude any easy or viable way to make the journey from wherever they are to where we are.
    Not that it’s impossible, but the probability is incalculably low.

  3. Lucas Bostic said:

    How can we calculate probabilities when we don’t know all the factors. We know about how hard it would be for us to travel to other star systems with our technology, but we don’t have a clue what another civilization may be working with. Technology is still new to our species so we really still don’t even know what our own limitations will be.

  4. Mike Guay said:

    Lucas Bostic
    I’m not disputing the “but what if” speculation. I’m referring to what we know here and now.
    Which admittedly isn’t much.

  5. Lucas Bostic said:

    Yeah that’s what sucks, there could never be proof of non-existence so the only thing that would truly be satisfying is proof of their existence which may never come.

  6. Mike Guay said:

    Lucas Bostic
    One day our species may meet an extraterrestrial civilization. I’m not sure we are anywhere ready. We can’t even live peacefully among our own species. Just because of surface differences like skin color. Religion, cultural differences, liberal vs conservative.

    It’s very likely that aliens understand that we are only infants in need of maturing before contact is made.
    I wouldn’t want to talk with the Earthlings either.

  7. Mike Guay said:

    Jason Pimental
    Even Frank Drake has recently stated that his original equation was fantastically optimistic. He has recently made some changes to the equation which brings the number down to between 700 and 1000 “Possible” alien civilizations. And even that may be “optimistic” in his very own words.
    We don’t really have any solid factual numbers to use. They’re basically “SWAG,” Scientific Wild$#%&!@*Guessing.

    We are only now able to detect other planets, planets which we know almost nothing about. The necessary technology doesn’t yet exist.

  8. Tobias Q. Moore said:

    Too bad my crappy data connection wont load that video. If you dont think aliens exist, talk to a retired USAF pilot with a high level security clearance some time.

  9. Mike Guay said:

    Is the security clearance is so high, why are they talking? It doesn’t end at retirement.
    I’ve been to Wright-Pat a couple times, all I can say is that those alien chefs make a yummy stuffed pepper!


