Top 3 Likely Reasons Why We Haven’t “Seen” Aliens…YET

Do you agree with this logic?

The main crux of it is the contradiction of the seemingly high likelihood of extraterrestrials given the vastness of the visible universe yet the fact that “most” of us have not visibly seen extraterrestrials.  That is quite a mouthful 😉  A very clever philosopher examines this paradox more extensively with 3 fascinating and thought provoking explanations.

Here are the 3 possibilities the writer suggests as explanations:

Possibility 1) The galaxy has been colonized, but we just live in some desolate rural area of the galaxy. The Americas may have been colonized by Europeans long before anyone in a small Inuit tribe in far northern Canada realized it had happened. There could be an urbanization component to the interstellar dwellings of higher species, in which all the neighboring solar systems in a certain area are colonized and in communication, and it would be impractical and purposeless for anyone to deal with coming all the way out to the random part of the spiral where we live.

Let’s find out the other 2 reasons on the next page

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