Top 7 Most Mysterious Forests in the World

who even knew about these?

Some of these are so trippy it is like they are from another planet.  This ambitious narrator lists out 7 of the most bizarre forests that actually are on planet Earth.  Here is a brief intro and some of their names:

From screaming woods to the Black Forest to places where people vomit for unknown reasons, these are the Top 7 Creepiest Forests and Woods.

  • Officially called the Dering Woods, the locals of Pluckley and Smarden in Kent, England bestowed the nickname of The Screaming Woods upon this area due to the terrifying screams which emanate from it at night. There have also been reports of eerie footsteps with no known source heard during times of particularly thick fog, and nobody knows where it is coming from.

Whoa who even knew about that one?  What kinds of trees grow in these strange places?  Do you have any ideas and what are the climates like?

Let’s check out these bizarre forests in the video on page 2

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