Top 7 Most Mysterious Forests in the World

Here are the names of two more on the list.  Hint the first one may remind you of a popular gummy bear company:

  • Germany’s Black Forest gets its name from its dense canvas which in some areas barely allows any light to penetrate the forest floor, even in daytime. It has been described as feeling otherworldly and ethereal by those who walk through, and these feelings have inspired many famous myths and legends, including Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood by the Brothers Grimm.

  • Japan’s Aokigahara Forest has many nicknames, one of which is the “Sea of Trees” due to its thick covering of foliage.

Whoa!  Who knew of forests so dense usually one would think of the rainforest in South America.

We hope you like the video and thanks to the narrator and the team for uploading it!


