What Actually Happens Inside a Black Hole?

do you have any idea?

Black holes as you may know have an insane density and no one knows what happens inside.

And here is a totally new and interesting theory on what happens in the center of a black hole!  Usually I don’t interject my opinions but it sounds fuzzy to me (no pun intended)

There’s a common notion that at the edge of every black hole lies a back door to the universe — an exit from reality into a new realm where fundamental laws of nature, like time, no longer behave the way that we understand them.

What happens once you cross this threshold is a long-standing mystery that the world’s leading scientists have been pondering for decades with little headway.

Could this be a possibility or is it just too far out there?  No pun intended.

And could Stephen Hawking be right about them or is he way off?

This is very fascinating and let’s check out the video on page 2

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  1. Brian Sandy said:

    a “black hole” is not a black hole. it is a large mass that is so big, that light cannot escape its pull. it also has a huge electro magnetic pull. keep in mind that this large mass is constantly eating the galaxy and getting bigger and bigger.


