What Is At The Bottom Of The Baltic Sea?

Apparently there is a very unusual object at the bottom of The Baltic Sea.  It was discovered in 2011 and the theories of the origins of this thing are all over the place.

Is the Baltic Sea Anomaly a 14,000 year old alien spacecraft that crash landed?
In what seems to come straight out of a starwars film, something like a crashed millenium falcon has been spotted at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

The image first appeared on the sonar of Ocean X, a private treasure hunting company, a couple of years ago.

Also note the streak marks behind it. Look at the way they are shaped….it looks like whatever this thing was crashed and skidded along the ground before coming to a stop

The team that discovered this object noted that when their boat was directly above it some of their electrical equipment stopped working. When they sailed away , the equipment started working again.

Let’s find out more on this strange object on video and read more on the discovery on page 2

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  1. Doug Hill said:

    I think it would be interesting to know what Carl Munch would make of it. Does anyone know if the exact position has been published.

  2. Jake Warner said:

    I feel like if it was a spacecraft, the government would have been on it immediately. But it still could be. It also could be an old place of worship as someone states. I’m so curious. Hopefully they get it out soon.

  3. Lee Martin said:

    It looks like it could be a formation where the bottom of a glacier carved polished this formation by moving over top of it for thousands of years.

  4. James Doig said:

    I think it is highly unlikely that we are alone in the universe. That said, Occam’s Razor is often true, with two competing theories (with equal amounts of evidence) the simplest answer is most likely the truth. With the information we have, the most likely explanation is either a natural rock formation, or stone carved by the ancient humans living around the sea prior to the melting of the glaciers. Far less likely is aliens flying millians of light years to crash in on our little planet.

  5. Scott Gyon said:

    The question of what it is has been a question for a long time. How about instead of continuously asking the question. Let’s go find out.

  6. Josh Burrows said:

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Judging by the ACTUAL sonar images, I’d have to agree with the rock formations theory. It’s the only logical conclusion to reach based on the evidence presented.

  7. Kevin Hughes said:

    There are many ways to explain this geologically. And if you apply occam’s razor the geologic explanations have the greater likelihood of being correct. The statement that it messed up some the crews electronics could be a coincidence, a lie so they can get money, or there is a natural geomagnetic anomaly there. And by the way, geologic forces can make structures that seem artificial but after investigation turn out to be natural phenomena. But, hey, what do I know. I am just a geologist.

  8. Kevin Hughes said:

    For those of you who think it is a space ship or a world war two craft or object. Why would it have stair cut into it instead of using a ladder?

    By the way, the stair looking parts can also occur naturally.

  9. Tessa Ann Moore said:

    Actually we CAN duplicate them now, with nothing more than manpower and the same rudimentary tools available to the people who built them. It wasn’t magic or advanced technology that made them possible, it was ingenuity. We have now figured out the process used for virtually every single structure we have ever discovered. Each and every process has also been duplicated to prove it was possible. Your information is out of date.

    Humans built all of those things with simple tools and lots of manpower. It is the only explanation that has been scientifically proven…

    Yes, Seriously.

  10. Ryan Schlicker said:

    Lol no u forget a lot of facts. Most of these cultures knew about planets in the solar system u can’t see without high power telescopes and yet no one questions that? Someone was here with outside knowledge

  11. Ryan Schlicker said:

    I don’t doubt manpower. But the technology wasn’t there. Have you ever seen puma punku? Estimated to be roughly 14,000 years old or older it has lazer presicion cuts and shaped in perfect dimensions using the hardest stone known. Tell me how these people cut it using chicken bones, says the legend? Complete rubbish

  12. Kevin Hughes said:

    Really. Metal that is hallow will erode with stair patterns. Nope. And if they are telling the truth about the electronics turning off then it could be coincidence by a brown out of their generator or there is a geomagnetic anomaly there. I vote for the first because they said some of their equipment when down. So, yeah.

  13. Tessa Ann Moore said:

    Victor Benavides Again, you are making that determination based on an artist’s rendering, not actual images of the rock formation. Sonar images show the “steps” in a much different way.

    It’s a rock.

  14. Dale B. Davig said:

    I believe it is a hoax via photoshop meant for viral spread on social media. Sorry Charlie but something that unusual would not go un-noticed by the bulk of the world for four years in the information age. I call shennannigans

  15. Tessa Ann Moore said:

    Carmine J. Ventura The lines aren’t straight, they are actually grooves that are rough and jagged. The image in the article is an artist’s rendering, bot a picture of the actual object. The actual object has only been seen in sonar scans, which look nothing at all like the artist’s picture.

    Again, it’s a rock.

  16. Lawrence Olson said:

    It’s a natural rock formation carved out to create a platform, probably for an ancient temple complex. In Egypt the sphynx was carved out of a single natural formation of rock and in Japan there are similary carved natural rock formations that look a lot like this one..

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