Will They Find More Earth-Like Planets?

Here are a few reasons this may actually may make sense.  (aside from sheer curiosity of course)

If things don’t work out on this planet…

Or if our itch to explore becomes unbearable at some point in the future…

Astronomers have recently found out what kind of galactic real estate might be available to us.

We’ll have to develop advanced transport to land there, 20 light years away…. But that’s for later.

The question right now: is it worth the trip? The destination is a star that you can’t see with your naked eye, in the southern constellation Libra, called Gliese 581.

Identified over 40 years ago by the German astronomer Wilhelm Gliese, it’s a red dwarf with 31% of the Sun’s mass… and only 1.3% of its luminosity.

Until recently, the so-called M Stars like Gliese 581 flew below the radar of planet hunters.

They give off so little energy that a planet would have to orbit dangerously close just to get enough heat.

Now, these unlikely realms are beginning to show some promise… as their dim light yields to precision technologies…

We hope you enjoy the video and we look forward to more pics and info from programs such as ESO and NASA.

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