Would Our Solar System Look Like THIS From An Alien’s View?

is this possible?

We look at other planets with the hubble space telescope however this may be an “alien’s perspective”. We have all seen models of our solar system, and with the new pics from Pluto sent by the New Horizon, even more detail of the planets themselves.  What would our solar system look like from an alien point of view though?

From NASA Astrophysics… a supercomputer simulation shows how alien astronomers might have seen the formation of our solar system. Dust ground off icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt, the cold-storage zone that includes Pluto and millions of other objects, creates a faint infrared disk potentially visible to alien astronomers looking for planets around the sun. Neptune’s gravitational imprint on the dust is always detectable in new simulations of how this dust moves through the solar system. By ramping up the collision rate, the simulations show how the distant view of the solar system might have changed over its history.

So we are also assuming in this example that aliens use the same wavelengths and spectrum to view things.  Perhaps they have instruments we are not even aware of?

For the purpose of this example let’s go along as if they use the same types of devices as us, perhaps more powerful.

Let’s find out more on what we might look like and check out the video on page 2

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One Comment;

  1. Rodrigo Peres Triana said:

    Aliens will have different percepting filters to observe reality’s light waves, even if they are smarter than humans, because evolution will provide them with those that offer them the capacities to survive their environment, probably totally or quite different to our local environment, for sure, they will have a totally different impressions of their proper way to see, digest and interpret ‘reality’. That is why It will be very difficult for humans to communicate with them. It is like communicating smart orangutans with smart dogs, or something in that direction…


