Guy Makes A Gnarly Device Using A “Spooky Tesla” Configuration

Its pretty powerful when it charges up…

Now THIS is a cool DIY home experiment.  This adventurous experimenter and inventor takes a video of a Tesla style coil that he made.  There are a few really awesome YouTube videos floating around of homemade tesla motors and the like, and this one uses a different style configuration.


Here is how he describes this device:

Short video of completed Spooky coil with all 6 windings, per the design of youtuber smathewsauthor The 13 inch diameter toroid form is a big plastic slinky covered with tape and white paint, which works rather well. This is his winding pattern #3, which needs 6 separate winds laid on a toroidal coil, according to his new geometric design based on the vortex math ideas. The diagram in the video shows 4 of the 6 windings connected. The last 2 windings go to a voltmeter, and produce about 3 volts AC output when the rotor spins up. The driver circuit is shown on my video “smatthewsauthor coil neoball pulser” starting at 1 minute 20 seconds in. Check my other videos on this for more information, and also visit smatthewsauthor I had to do this fast, since the noise was disturbing domestic tranquility. 🙂

Even the sound is awesome when he runs this thing..

Let’s watch him start up this home made coil int he video on page 2

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