They Made an Artificial Hurricane..Seriously

They made a hurricane in a lab in Miami none the less.  This is pretty incredible because it could pave the way for scientific advances into protecting the environment.  There is a fierce debate whether to seed rain with clouds and tamper with such things.  In China they have openly stated that they have experimented with cloud seeding.  Here is more about the experiments:

Researchers trying to figure out what makes some hurricanes strengthen into catastrophic monsters have a new lab that allows them to generate tropical storm conditions with the flip of a switch. The lab is at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. It’s known as the Surge-Structure-Atmosphere Interaction, or SUSTAIN.

Check out the water effects they did in the video on page 2

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  1. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    Hurricanes are spiralling vortex – nothing incredible about that. The incredible part about that is the combine forces that comes together and creates the beast.


