A Motor Almost Entirely 3d Printed at Home

Getting all of the parts to fit together is impressive, especially the corona discharge blades.  This was impossible to print and assemble at home a few years earlier without having to order custom made parts from overseas.  As usual with anything disruptive or new, the comments get very spirited and here are two inquisitive comments from the video.

Commenter Shamala is skeptical:

I don’t know what general relativity has to do about this video. But disproved time & time again? How did you come up with that one? Are yo demanding that the General of Relativity be rejected just because? Hence outrgiht reject observation & experiments that confirm the Theory. If so, why? Does the theory t threaten some beliefs or certain faith you hold dear?

TheProCactus is also skeptical and poses the following explanation:

I agree, Something dodgy about this.

BTW, All this talk about static electricity. To do anything with static it must be first turned into DC. The presence of a spark is the process static turns into DC fairly fast. Static does not do much just sitting there, And as soon as it moves it becomes DC.

I don’t have an opinion but this is a cool video and feel free to add to the comments.  3D printing is a revolution.  Just like the mobile web changed everything with smartphones, it is likely the same phenomenon will happen in regards to advancements in 3d printing.


