Are bionics the Future of Medicine and More?

Herr shows the mechanics behind some of the advancements and feels strongly that this field of study will improve people’s lives.  The comments as usual for any controversial subject are spirited.  3Runner95RSB is skeptical and has this to say:

If someone was to wear an exoskeleton for a long period of time.. That persons muscles would atrophy… Even using it for a few days would have negative effects to the body.. And yes you would feel really heavy, slow and weak.. and you would become exactly that.. And also.. Your body would burn less calories.. so you would get fat, lose muscle.. its negative in so many ways.. but if it gets to a point when it gives you extremely good results to wear an exoskeleton, when you can run a lot faster and longer, jump higher, and overall perform beyond the limits, thats when the thing would become useful. But again you would have to wear it for a limited number of hours and do weight training to balance it out.The main reason for anyone to wear this would be if someone has some kind of a muscle condition that makes them weak, or if someone is injured..

Whether you think bionics are incredible or that there may be more harm that good feel free to comment.  We hope you enjoy the video.


