Astronomers Are Reporting About A Huge “Invisible Structures” In The Milky Way

first a new planet now THIS?

You read the headline correctly and it surprised us too.  Apparently this has been quite a week for astronomy.  First two scientists from Caltech darn near proved that there is another unseen planet at the edge of the solar system.  Now, a different group says they’ve spotted some unusual objects in our galaxy:

Astronomers think they may have found giant “invisible” structures lurking in the Milky Way. These things seem to be pretty big – roughly the size of Earth’s orbit around the Sun – and they could help to explain where a bunch of missing matter in the universe is, known as the missing baryon problem.

Let’s find out more about what these objects could be on page 2

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  1. Mario Joseph said:

    Planet X or Nibiru is making it’s way back here. Every 3600 years I believe . Massive global n polar shifting n weather changes. You can feel them already.

  2. Dan Badillo said:

    We are discovering things that are new to us all the time as technology increases. Just because we were unable to perceive it before doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.

  3. Garreth Hoover said:

    Black holes could be stars/structures so large that light can’t escape.
    So there is essentially an atmosphere of darkness.

    But that is absolutely no reason whatsoever to assume they are singularities or worm holes.
    That is purely hypothetical.
    Especially considering we know they emit matter, and don’t permanently contain everything that goes in.

    It seems to me, given the evidence a black hole may not even be that…but simply the eye of a tornado more or less.

    As far as “negative gravity”…there is absolutely no evidence for it.
    It cant even be considered hypothetical…just science fiction.

  4. Darryle Cockerham said:

    Reverse gravity fields MAY exist. In the recent past, black holes were considered science fiction as well. I probably should have been more precise: if reverse gravity fields are ever proven to exist, they will most found in areas where space-time has been ‘peaked’ by a black hole in another dimension. Yes, I know it sounds like science fiction, but nearly all modern science was considered fiction at one time or another.

  5. Doug Las said:

    Lots of ‘odd discoveries’ lately. Anyone ever think they may have got hacked? These are computerized radio telescopes, NOT optical telescopes.

  6. Antonio Palazzari said:

    Alien spaceship? Fat chance. If it’s traveling at near light speed (which to get anywhere you’d need to be) it wouldn’t be traveling at the speed it is now, and if an alien race is capable of intergalactic travel – it would also be capable of trying to communicate with earth life, and if it were they would have. The thing about space is that it’s very very big and things are very very far apart- even at light speed you’d spend 4 years traveling to our nearest star neighbour. Unfortunately, there isn’t a high chance that we’re going to meet alien life anytime soon based of of that fact. There’s alien life, I would say, almost defiantly- simply because of the size of the universe, there must be. If it happened here, it will have happened elsewhere- but aliens aren’t just mucking about in our solar system, that’s an insane thought.

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