Can Anything Go Faster Than the Speed of Light?

any opinion?

This is a really interesting scientific debate that examines the speed of light and possibilities of traveling faster.  There have been some far out explanations about black holes that can warp light and the like but perhaps is that faster or slower than light itself?  And recently there have been discussions about “tachyons” or some kind of mysterious cosmic particle that indeed does travel faster.


The ever adventurous scientific video maker “Vsauce” asks this very question.  His explanations and examples may surprise you.

Do you think he is too far out there or does he pose some strong examples to ponder over?

Let’s find out what the narrator thinks could go faster in the video on page 2

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  1. Rodrigo Peres Triana said:

    No, la interaction between total ENERGY and SPACE at light speed bring the UNIVERSE to a frozen TIME. Any interaction between those opposites at faster the speed of light, it is an impossible in our Universe.

  2. Deane Barnes said:

    Everything in the universe is energy. Even the parts of an atom and those parts were created by the smallest and most powerful energy. That energy is what I call intelligent energy it has no boundary it is the speed of thought. It is what created light and governs it’s speed. Also light like everything else is controlled by vibrational energy in which going faster than light would not allow atoms to form

  3. Dean LaRahtti said:

    Yes…. You’re understanding of how things work in this galaxy is limited to the 33degrees we gave you… hasn’t cought up with allot of reality’s….

  4. Tito Santos said:

    Several years ago scientists slowed the speed of light to 35 mph. Soo… if it can be slowed, it can also be sped up. So my answer is yes.

  5. Thomas Schlund said:

    If you accelerate to 99.99% the speed of light time slows down for you and if you know how far away an object is from you it would appear that you are traveling faster than light due to your time distortion. However, an outside observer would see that you are going 99.99% the speed of light. I guess its all relative? Of course that is unless I have this all wrong?

  6. Seth Forbis said:

    we don’t know anything that is faster than a photon, but surely there are such particles, given the speeds traveled, photons are the only easily visible particle traveling at such speeds…given time, particles will be discovered that travel faster, but are much harder to detect because they are not made of literal pure light like photons…considering the vast majority of the universe is made of particles we can’t detect, and as such, deem “dark matter” it isn’t crazy to believe that eventually with better tech we will realize that “dark matter” is a placeholder for many, many new types of matter, some of which may transcend spacetime, and the dimensions themselves…trying to put an 11 dimensional universe in 3 dimensional terms is never going to yield results that make sense, quantum ai is the only way for us to know the truth without billions of years of human evolution…

  7. Trevor Miller said:

    It takes 7 or 8 minutes for light to get from our sun to Earth..that’s a snail crawl on an interstellar scale. There’s no reason to think something can’t go faster than that.

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