Cool Experiments articles

NASA Took A Video Of Liquid In Zero Gravity

NASA Took A Video Of Liquid In Zero Gravity

NASA has done it again with not a space mission but a cool experiment.  Check out what they caught on video: Once again, astronauts on the International Space Station dissolved an effervescent tablet in a floating ball of water, and captured images using a camera capable of recording four times the resolution of normal high-definition

128,000 Falling Dominos Makes A World Record

In this awesome video they make a world record with 128,000 dominos falling around the world. Do you know the physics behind dominos? It is pretty basic and makes for some cool effects like these. Each upright domino is also full of potential energy. When the first domino falls, the force of gravity turns that

Small Neodymium Magnet Can Lift Enormous Weights

Neodymium magnets are extremely strong and used in a lot of major industrial applications.  They also make for cool experiments like this one described by the narrator: A powerful, yet dangerous magnet that can do amazing tricks. I’ve tried to make some original tricks in this video instead of just showing how much this magnet

Watch How To Make Solid Nitrogen

The ever clever veritasium does a cool experiment with solid nitrogen: What happens when you decrease the pressure around a liquid? It boils. Water boils at room temperature once the pressure is low enough. What is interesting is that this decreases the temperature of the liquid. The fastest molecules escape, leaving the slower ones behind.

Plasma Cutter Video In Extremely Slow Motion

The Slo Mo guys have done it again and this time they film a plasma cutter in extremely slow motion. They get footage of this thing at 2500 frames per second.  It almost looks like it is going through water  instead of a solid compound in the video. Note: Do not try this without the

Cool Optical Illusion Laser Effect Caught On Video

The ever adventurous styropyro makes another cool laser video showing some unusual visual effects! Here is an amazing effect created using a violet laser, spinning mirrors, and a glow in the dark surface. The pattern is changed by adjusting the speed of the motors. Note: Don’t try this without the supervision of a professional Let’s

Guy Boils Water With Homemade Solar Vacuum Tube

Here is a very impressive home device using solar power in a different way to boil water: This is a preview of a 5 ft solar evacuated vacuum tube I will be using in a large trough. These tubes are very efficient and work by absorbing sunlight and keeping the heat. The always interesting “greenpowerscience” shows

They Made A Solar Powered Ray To Melt Bronze

Whoa!  There have been a few backyard solar lenses to make their way around the internet.  Some have been pretty powerful and others on the weaker side.  This device is attempting to actually melt bronze: Kevin Moore and Grant Reynolds attempt to create a focused beam of light hot enough to melt bronze. To accomplish

Guy Moves Magnetic Putty With Neodymium Magnet [Video]

This is a really cool home experiment with bucky balls and neodymium magnets: Magnetic magic putty or mighty thinking putty has different properties. The Video show many time lapse sequences. Buckyballs sinking into magnetic magic putty. Neodymium magnet cube or cuboid sinking into mighty thinking putty. Intelligent putty jumping on the table like a super

10 Science Experiments That Will Amaze You [Video]

Here are 10 awesome science experiments that were done from home. Note: Do not try these without the supervision of a professional. CrazyRussianHacker guy has done it again and shows off his science knowledge. Here are the first ones on the list: 1 – Dry Ice Bubble 2 – Supercooled Water 3 – Crazy Neodymium

Brave Guy Goes Through 9G Centrifuge Training [Video]

You won’t believe the faces he makes. G force is equivalent to gravitational pull.  Often times in the military they put certain individuals through g force training to make sure they can handle the conditions involved in the handling of certain apparatus.  In this video, the brave individual is video taped as he goes through

They Made A Battery With Portabella Mushrooms

Have you heard of the potato clock?  Well, they took it up a level with an actual battery that works with mushrooms: They have created a new type of lithium-ion battery anode using portabella mushrooms, which are inexpensive, environmentally friendly and easy to produce. The current industry standard for rechargeable lithium-ion battery anodes is synthetic

Mouse Trap Finger Challenge On Video

The slo mo guys are at it again.  They take a challenge with a mouse trap and their fingers to see who wins. Note: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR EVER ACTUALLY The physics behind different types of mouse traps actually vary.  The one here uses stored up energy from a spring.  However there are

Sun Powered Sterling Engine Uses Free Energy [Video]

This home experimenter made a stirling engine that runs on solar power.  Here is a bit more background on how this type of engine works: A Stirling engine is a heat engine operating by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas, the working fluid, at different temperature levels such that there is a
