Space articles

A Radio Signal Was Detected 6 Billion Light Years Away

They have a few clues to its origin.. This type of event has only been detected a few times before.  And they still do not know for sure where it is from.  That being said they could and are likely to be happening more frequently.  However finding them is a challenge.  By using new methods

Astronomers Spotted “Triple Star System” Planet

wait what?? This particular region of the universe has absolutely baffled astronomers.  You may or may not have heard the term “binary star system”.  If not, it is basically like it sounds, where two stars are rotating in proximity and around the same center.  However, this is extremely strange and awesome: A team of researchers working at

Space Messages Were Sent For The Future…Seriously

who knew about THIS? 434,738 people actually participated in this.  There were also some other “questionable details” in regards to this mission.  And what is even more bizarre is the fact that no one talks about this.  It is such an unusual phenomenon. The New Horizons probe is carrying a CD-ROM with the names of

What Did They Just Discover on Vesta and Ceres? – Update

Whoa!  Did you hear about this? The last year has been one of NASA’s most insane ever.  There was a lot of cool pics and new info that came in over the last ten years.  One fascinating bit of info is regarding Vesta and Ceres: Dawn, the speedy ion-drive spacecraft, left Earth in 2007 bound for

What are These “Magnetic Bubbles” at the Edge of the Solar System?

did you know about these TRIPPY things? Do you know about this BIZARRE phenomena taking place?  As telescopes and mathematical formulas get more sophisticated, the “things” we are finding continues to amaze astronomers and science fans alike.  THEY found magnetic bubbles in our own area of the galaxy…really close actually by cosmic standards. Here is

NASA Has Found 1,200 Planets That Could Have Life

that is INSANELY cool… Apparently this discovery changes everything.  Here is what they announced: The US space agency has just announced the discovery of the new “exoplanets” which are considered as similar to Earth due to their distance from the star they orbit. Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said:

They Recorded Some “Bone Chilling” Noises From Space

what in the heck was THAT? Did you know solar wind could make these kinds of strange sounds?  We didn’t but they sure are cool.  Caught on video they are described as such: Here are some downright chilling sounds recorded by several spacecraft. The sounds come from radio signals that are created by solar winds

Did THIS Ancient Asteroid Flatten Mars?

whoa…do you know this story? The red planet is home to yet another mystery that is not often talked about.  Apparently an ancient asteroid may have been involved with a lot of what we observe today.  2015 was a crazy year with the Curiosity rover sending back never before seen pics!  Here is a bit

Could There Actually Be Water On Mars?

these pics surprised astronomers This is a very cool video of some footage that may indicate the presence of water on the surface of Mars.  The red planet may be the most debated and discussed in our solar system.  Many people, science fans and scientists alike think it may have had an atmosphere (it actually

What Does NASA Have Planned With Deep Space Communications?

what will they FIND? S.E.T.I. was the UFO initiative started in the 1970s and now NASA has their way of trying to send out signals.  Just as a brief refresher, S.E.T.I. originally started in the 1970s as the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.  They sent out signals and listened as well in the hopes to contact

Would This Indicate A Possibility Of Alien Life?

what do you THINK? Could this particular feature of a planet be one of the best indicators of alien life?  Exoplanets have been one of the most exciting discoveries for astronomers and space fans alike.  And some of them indicate that they could be homes to life in that they have atmospheres and properties similar

Does This Indicate the Possibility of Alien Life?

is this TOO far out?? Does this particular feature of a planet actually indicate evidence of alien life?  Exoplanets have been one of the most exciting discoveries for astronomers and space fans alike.  And some of them indicate that they could be homes to life in that they have atmospheres and properties similar to ours. The

These “Hidden Galaxies” Are Absolutely Enormous

whoa…did you know THESE were there? These are the most enormous things we know of and can barely see them.  Did you have any idea these were out there?  In this cool video the ever adventurous and informative “SpaceRip” takes us on a journey to these mysterious structures.  Here is a brief intro into this

Have You Heard of the “Liquid Planet” Theory?

is this TOO out there? Astronomers have different theories on the universe but this one will make you scratch your head.  From string theory to the theory that the universe is one big vacuum there are differing ideas about this vast place.  And of course the theory of dark matter is in there too to

Are These “Hostile Exoplanets” Something We Should Watch?

have you thought about THIS perspective? Exoplanets are some of the most discussed findings in all of astronomy.  NASA has only spotted them in the last few years.  And none more than kepler 452-b has made more of a buzz around the web.  It has an atmosphere very similar to ours.  This video examines some

Top 25 Facts About Black Holes That Will Amaze

Did you know about these INSANE properties? To this date no matter what anyone says they still do not know 100% what black holes are.  They may likely defy the laws of physics we think we understand and have entirely different properties than what one would expect.  In this video, there is a list of

NASA Says Mars Atmosphere Was Peeled Away By Solar Wind

were you aware of THIS? This may have BIG implications about the planet’s history. Colonizing Mars is actually being discussed and is this a good idea?  The red planet has fascinated astronomers for centuries.  It is in a sense the most similar to ours in the solar system, and now astronomers are certain it actually

What Astronomers Found in 1917 That Was a First

do you know about this?? There is a strange space phenomenon which is all the rage now and someone spotted something almost a century ago.  Now most space fans and all astronomers have heard of the phenomena of exoplanets.  The most famous of these is named kepler 452-b due to it’s “Earth like” atmosphere.  However, these have only been

Guy Analyzes the NASA “Tethering Incident”

they STILL don’t know what this was… This was caught on camera from NASA and it is a mystery.  Many more out there thinkers ponder if this was actually a UFO caught on camera.  Other people think it was a video malfunction or a comet or some type of simple/explainable phenomenon.  That being said no
