Cool LED Cube + Multiplexing and Bit Angle Modulation

This guy makes a really cool 8x8x8 led cube and explains how its done.  His mac is hooked up to this thing and he shows us how multiplexing works and how bit angle modulation works.  He slows the cube down to show us the first example.  4 bit bid angle modultaion goes from 0 – 15 from lowest to highest brightness.  One pillar is set to 15 and one is set to 1.  You can clearly see that the pillar set to 15 is way brighter than the pillar set to 1.  Note that it looks like there is a lot of flicker but its just the camera and due to the fact that the cube was not set at the fastest possible rate.

Check out what happens to the cube in the video on page 2

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