Could Comet 67P Have Evidence Of Organisms That…?

This MAY be arguably one of the best discoveries in the search for other life forms…

Instead of searching for typical “aliens” it may be the micro evidence that tells us a lot.  There is a comet 67P that astronomers have discovered to show some very promising signs in this search for extraterrestrials or other organisms:

In a series of recently published papers in the journal Science, researchers have revealed some of the initial findings from the probe Philae’s landing on the comet 67P, including numerous organic compounds on the surface that are known to contribute to the basic building blocks of life.

Despite some unpredictable events during the Philae probe’s exploration of the comet known as 67P, it has still managed to send back a large amount of valuable data.

Do you think this warrants further explorations?  And if so what types of crafts could get close to this thing and other comets to get samples?  This could be closer than people realize.

Let’s check out a video of what this comet looks like in the video on page 2

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One Comment;

  1. Rosy Thomas said:

    I do think and believe that asteroids and comets have organisms living on them,for each meteor that fall in the Pacific ocean,and the Atlantic ocean or any part of the world,there will be a new extraterrestrial life form growing from the meteors that fall to earth.Do you every see those ugly fisihes that National Geographics always showing on tv?…do you ever question if they extraterrestrial?

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