Has the Superconductivity Record Been Broken?

Here is a bit more information on the potential of superconductors and background on this finding:

A superconductor that works at room-temperature would make everyday electricity generation and transmission vastly more efficient, as well as giving a massive boost to current uses of superconductivity such as the enormous magnets used in medical imaging machines.

In an accompanying News & Views article on Nature‘s website, Igor Mazin of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC describes the hydrogen sulfide discovery as “the holy grail of superconductors”4. Physicist Fan Zhang of the University of Texas at Dallas agrees, saying that the finding is “historic” and that its impact will be “far ranging”.

We’re looking forward to more updates from this smelly superconducting compound 😉

And here is a related cool video below!

thanks to nature.com for the great info

thanks to sach1tb for the pic


  1. Sherman W Braithwaite said:

    I just realize something, they will never make such a discovery at room temperature. It is impossible. It does not exist anywhere in nature. Show me the source.

  2. Lyons Nick said:

    Forgive my ignorance on the matter. I cannot remember the scientific name of the device constructed but someone has created a way to cool down sodium atom to just above the point of absolute zero. I would like to see the results of using such frigid temperatures on superconductive materials. Also this is achieved by heating the sodium to 700 degrees then using lasers to cool it down. A female scientist made a way to slow down the speed of a laser to way below the speed of light. I wonder using such device to slow the laserlyte down will have an effect on the sodium atom.


