Home Tetris Coffee Table Table Made With Arduino

Ok from the looks of things they use a variety of components although they’re not listed.  Although the video maker briefly shows a visual of the components so for non engineering types lets see if we can figure out some of them.  Possibly at least two Arduino boards..maybe a Leonardo or Due.  It also would be likely that he/she used 160 LED bulbs as the table seems to span 16 x 10 large pixels in length and width.

In addition some type of multiplexing and bit angle modulation system was likely used to control the bulbs.  Also a rectangle of wood was carved with the majority of the space in the middle designated to secure the grid structure where the LED bulbs are placed.  A bit further along though it looks as if there is an ethernet cable attached to one of his boards so maybe an Arduino ethernet shield was used too .

After the demonstration of Tetris is over, how many of you remember the super simple game snake?  This was a classic before the era of smartphones that was on a Nokia.  Basically it was a one pixel wide line gets longer and longer and wraps around the screen.  And then of course the classic Super Mario Brothers comes on the screen here,  Except in a Tetrisy way 🙂


