New Theory That Black Holes Don’t Exist?

They used computer modeling to try to disrupt the theory and here is more on what they found out:

The only way to get a better understanding of black holes, therefore, is through computer models that simulate the process of how a massive star explodes and the remaining core collapses in on itself, creating a black hole. But recently, Mersini-Houghton, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Pfeiffer, at the University of Toronto, discovered something surprising when working out their stellar-collapse models: black holes can’t form, which then led them to the astounding conclusion that black holes don’t exist.

“I’m still not over the shock,” said Mersini-Houghton in a statement released by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “We’ve been studying this problem for a more than 50 years and this solution gives us a lot to think about.”

We’re not 100% convinced but it poses an interesting theory and we hope you enjoy the video!

thanks to business insider for the info

thanks to for the study


  1. Kevin Hughes said:

    There two astrophysicist are making a basic modeling mistake, or they are doing it on purpose for publicity.

    When modeling, if you model does not match what we observe then the model is wrong. We think we observe black holes and therefore their model is wrong.

    If by chance their model is right, then they need to explain what we are seeing.

    Using Occam’s razor would dictate that we observe black holes and therefore black holes exist.


