So Now They’re Saying The “Alien Star” Might Not Be From Aliens

There is a study that gives an explanation on why it’s not an alien structure but rather something else:

When a star is oblate, it has a larger radius at its equator than it does at its poles. As a result, the poles have a higher surface gravity, and thus higher temperature and brightness. Thus, the poles are “gravity brightened”, and the equator “gravity darkened.”

The star becomes oblate (and hence gravity darkening occurs) because the centrifugal force resulting from rotation creates additional outward pressure on the star.

This creates patches of darker and lighter regions within these kinds of stars, so the light curves that make it back to Earth won’t look completely uniform. What’s more, planets often orbit “obliquely” from Earth’s perspective and do not pass directly in front of a star.

This sounds bit far fetched.  Although it is smart to not jump to conclusions about aliens, not sure about this explanation.  What do you think?  Feel free to comment.

thanks to for the great info

thanks to Kevin Gill for the pic


  1. Stephen Michael Mcneill said:

    You news type people are the only one who have been saying its aliens. The scientist who hinted at it being aliens even said that they should be the last hypothesis anyone comes to. He had to come back and redo his statement because bad science reporting ran with aliens at first mention. You report sensationalism, aka bad science.

  2. Kevin Hughes said:

    Science never said it was from aliens. One person said it is passing and that was all. Never trust the media. All they care about is ratings.

  3. Shawn Gancasz said:

    What a bunch of hippy, dippy, balogny, I would have believed it more if they said its bc of a black hole absorbing the star, gravity and light and oblate shaped star is a theory but I would believe it’s aliens b4 that

  4. Bruce Wells said:

    Oh now starts the cover up. Don’t worry folks nothing to see here but a weather balloon! Swap gas cause by the planet Venus ! Go about your day its all okay!

  5. Vince B. Gilbert said:

    Why is it so hard for these fcktards to accept the fact that there are other beings out there and other beings with higher intellect that humans. Do u think we are alone in the universe u damn retards!!!

  6. Jason Gebauer said:

    Click bait sites like this one said it was aliens. Not scientists. I’m sick of these pseudo science pages posting garbage everyday. And that is a ridiculous rendering.


