They Injected Night Vision Fluid Into Guy’s Eyeballs..Wow

Night vision goggles, aside from being a staple in military and security applications worldwide are just cool!  Well a team of “biohackers” have found a way to give a person actual night vision capabilities right in your eyeballs..wait..say that again?  The name of their group is ‘Science for the Masses”

To do this, the group used a kind of chlorophyll analog called Chlorin e6 (or Ce6), which is found in some deep-sea fish.

“Going off that research, we thought this would be something to move ahead with,” the lab’s medical officer, Jeffrey Tibbetts, told Mic. “There are a fair amount of papers talking about having it injected in models like rats, and it’s been used intravenously since the ’60s as a treatment for different cancers. After doing the research, you have to take the next step.”

To do so, team biochem researcher Gabriel Licina became a guinea pig.

Let’s find out if it worked on the next page

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