They Injected Night Vision Fluid Into Guy’s Eyeballs..Wow

Well what do you suppose happened?  This isn’t lasik surgery of some sort it is an actual injection of a chemical right into a person’s eyes.  And Gabriel was pretty brave to do this.

Did it work? Yes. It started with shapes, hung about 10 meters away. “I’m talking like the size of my hand,” Licina says. Before long, they were able to do longer distances, recognizing symbols and identifying moving subjects against different backgrounds.


This reminds me of the Stanley Kubrick film, “A Clockwork Orange”.  Except in this case he volunteered for this gnarly experiment.  All kinds of animals in nature have some sort of night vision to help them hunt for prey and protect themelves from predators.  What would you do with night vision powers?  Possibly beef up security in your neighborhood or something else?  I’m not sure I’d do this but hey his shirt says “Express yourself” so guess this is what Gabriel Licina wanted to do.  hopefully he will be ok and no looming side effects take place in the future.

I just hope this doesn’t become a hipster trend or turn into some forced military application.

thanks to Max Plenke of Mic for a great article
photo thanks to U.S. Naval Forces Central
photo thanks to Science for the Masses


