This Exoplanet Discovery Defies What Astronomers Thought They Knew

It doesn’t make sense…

Apparently exoplanet  is BAFFLING astronomers for this reason.  This thing is as big as Neptune and it is made of pure rock.  Almost always when a planet reaches this size, or at least those observed by astronomers it involves some or all parts gas.  Here is a bit more about this find:

BD+20594b sits about 500 light-years away in the constellation Aries. The planet is about 16 times as massive as Earth but just a little over twice as wide, making its density about 8 grams per cubic centimeter, Néstor Espinoza, an astrophysicist at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago, and colleagues report. Earth’s density, by comparison, is 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter.

The fact that it takes 42 days to orbit around its star may make a bit more sense here but it is still surprising to the team who spotted it.

Let’s check out a cool video on other mysterious exoplanets on page 2

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  1. Dean Rohrbach said:

    Once again, where’s the evidence? I’m aware of the theories. Show me the math. Multiverse is a reaction to Anthropic Principle. Your truth is based on speculation = guessing.

  2. Darren Bohannon said:

    Xevious Walker: When you construct a building, you start with a foundation and build up. When you do science, you start with the evidence and construct a conclusion based on that evidence. You don’t start with the capstone and work down from there. That’s what you’re doing. You’re assuming your conclusion and trying to find evidence to justify it. That’s fallacious reasoning, and it’s the signal of an undeveloped intellect. Go look up rules for rational argumentation and try again.

    Also, I never asked for proof. Proof only matters in mathematics. I asked for evidence. Why are you so dishonest that you won’t provide even a single piece for the multiple people who have asked you to support your assertions?

  3. Xevious Walker said:

    Just say it was a thought experiment or something and let’s drop this. It’s not like I claimed mankind evolved in Australia or the pyramids were landing pads for alien ships. I don’t have evidence. I have a theory that will be proven one way or the other eventually. We don’t have the technology. I never expected to have to base a thesis on this idea.

    I have been trying to figure out what space is. You take away all matter and the space is still there. Like water in an ocean. But we know what water is. What is space? Is it a field that can be disrupted? A curtain that can be torn? A signal that can be blocked? If it were any of these and it could be disrupted you’d expect hydrogen bombs could have made a dent in it. Or the huge cern collider would have poked a hole in it or something. If ghosts are people in other realities and their presence is bleeding through to ours then there should be a measurable phenomenon at locations where ghosts are seen. Just knowing what to measure would be helpful in accessing the other reality.

    I haven’t seen any evidence that other realities exist in any measurable way. But gravity. Gravity is too weak to operate in just one reality. It must connect them.

    I admit it is just easier to assume that the universe is just some kind of fun house reflecting any and every possible outcome. That frees me of the desire to explore those realities knowing that no field change or other effect can remove distance. I can just not think about the gravity and figure another reason for it being like it is.

  4. Jack Bee said:

    There’s a quantum physicist named Nassim Harreim (spelled wrong) who showed that the big bang theory actually proves the existence of GOD. It was only after this that the multiverse theory started coming up. So what he said in a nutshell was that since the big bang states that the universe started to expand at a high velocity like a bomb. If that is so, then there has to be a fuse and someone to light the fuse. It’s simply the law of cause and effect. You cant have an effect without a cause. Also, the the timing and speed at which everything started expanding is so exact that if it was off by the most minuscule amount, life could not exist. So small in fact, that it is literally impossible for it to be by chance. But when you add the multiverse idea, you now just increased the probability of it being just chance infinitely…. It’s bullshit

  5. Xevious Walker said:

    If my “hypothesis” is correct there was only one big bang. And only one star created. And every possible variable is played out in this universe. There is an earth in every galaxy. Billions of them. Some where dinosaurs never died and some where no plagues killed anyone. And thousands where no life ever arose.

    The universe is big enough for it all. And then some.

  6. Ivan AmunRa Diamond said:

    This type of knowledge should be in every church every news station on billboards etc… This is why I said they’re going to eliminate a lot of people and because they’re mind won’t get to the right place. It will be like tug of war… It’s a spiritual war between religion and Truth.. This should be the first thing that is known in schools Etc… I guess we’re not ready for that

  7. Benjamin Strasser said:

    Hey, sure his idea is different. Evidence? No evidence? But why call him a dunce or say he lacks “intellectual integrity ”
    Educate! Inspire!
    We don’t don’t need insults.
    We need less insults.
    “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

  8. Alex Cazares said:

    I’ve always thought that too. I never did any research, but I always felt it was logical. This is an infinite universe , you would need to know how big “infinite” really is to understand what me or him mean. ANYTHING should be possible if the scales are infinite, ironically it’s impossible for there to NOT be a second Earth and someone just like you. infinite space will crate loops, if that makes more sense.

  9. Carlton Oakley said:

    I like that scientists always says they are baffled when they find something that doesn’t happen according to their puny minds. What will they say if we do find life elsewhere and water is poison to them.

  10. Evan Brooks said:

    Perhaps is something as small (to them) as developing ftl technology. Maybe they don’t wanna welcome someone to the galactic community until they can prove they have viable technology lol

  11. John Dee Wallace said:

    I’ve been thinking about that too, like there are infinite copies of earth and everything on it, each one at a different point in “time”.

  12. Jason Bordigon said:

    I watched the video on page 2, and honestly people, if you truly think we’re alone in this universe, you are Earth’s most moronic being. That’s like people thinking “but my gov’t wouldn’t lie to me!” Wake up Sheeple!

  13. Quinn Camp said:

    I’m not baffled. They should have a more open mind. It’s basically a new field of study with a bunch of guessing until observed

  14. Zeth Denman said:

    Xevious Walker most humans only recognize their conciousness through physical perceptions. They cant view past their own eyes. The physical world around them acts like a cage, leaving them needing proof of the bars against their face. To a skeptic, no amount of proof will ever suffice. Also, id imagine there are ‘plenty’ of things that researchers dont share for one reason or another, be it money, security or whatever. You know because you feel it. Keep at your research. Dont worry about conventional scientific belief. In the 15th century the earth was flat.

  15. Jose A Ramirez said:

    f**k this$#%&!@* whe belive what scientists tells us? they are more scared of finding things out in the universes than publishing a stupidly article like this one…

  16. Cosmic Lisa said:

    Zeth Denman. Right ! Also there are still people that believe the earth is flat. Unreal. There’s even a FB group of flat earthers. Geeeez….

  17. Darren Bohannon said:

    Zeth Denman: Have you considered that the problem isn’t with the skeptics, but with your “evidence”?

    What does it mean to “recognize consciousness”? What other methods are there to recognize consciousness other than physical ones?

    Which “researchers” are you referring to? Do you have someone specific in mind, or do you just feel like shitting all over everyone who works in scientific fields to make your life better?

    Demonstrate that “feeling it” is a valid and reliable way to know something external to oneself. Demonstrate that feelings are more valid and useful tools to use to learn about the universe than reason and the scientific method.

    People in the 15th century didn’t think the Earth was flat. Stop perpetuating this myth, please. The Greeks accurately calculated the Earth’s circumference 2500 years ago.

  18. Errol Jackson said:

    Well the ancient aliens did say our planet is currently under protection so there things they can’t do…yet

    The bible call it the holy spirit and once it’s removed at the rapture you reach a point of singularity which different vibrations get in line with each other.

    Meaning after rapture the shields are down, the aliens will come and you’ll now see the demons with your natural eyes.

    The tribulation and Jesus saying there be no other time before and since like this….basically star wars just got real.

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