This Exoplanet Discovery Defies What Astronomers Thought They Knew

It doesn’t make sense…

Apparently exoplanet  is BAFFLING astronomers for this reason.  This thing is as big as Neptune and it is made of pure rock.  Almost always when a planet reaches this size, or at least those observed by astronomers it involves some or all parts gas.  Here is a bit more about this find:

BD+20594b sits about 500 light-years away in the constellation Aries. The planet is about 16 times as massive as Earth but just a little over twice as wide, making its density about 8 grams per cubic centimeter, Néstor Espinoza, an astrophysicist at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago, and colleagues report. Earth’s density, by comparison, is 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter.

The fact that it takes 42 days to orbit around its star may make a bit more sense here but it is still surprising to the team who spotted it.

Let’s check out a cool video on other mysterious exoplanets on page 2

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  1. Lee Martin said:

    CERN also plays into this up coming mega war between demonic aliens and humans, after the rapture anybody who is left behind better run for the hills. Even those secret technologies in places like Area 51 won’t save them from destruction, they should know this because they’ve been working with these entities longer than we have been alive

  2. Mario Joseph said:

    This$#%&!@*is all bs. Cgi images to the max. Who believes this nonsense. Anyone ever hear of the van Allen belt? How do u get past that huh lol the crap that nasa posts in the biggest hoax around. Using cgi n green screens to show ppl bs. Making mankind feel insignificant in an ever expanding universe right teeming with other life huh. Lol sorry aliens are most likely just angels n demons or fallen angels. All these planets all this stuff is not what It seems. It’s all a big deception to limit the true power of humans n mankind.

  3. Justin Allen said:

    f**k NASA. Research their symobology and etymology. Its amazing how much occultism is ingrained in modern “science” organizations.

  4. James L Bush said:

    Our source of water is probably drying up deep in the Kepler belt for any human being to discover. I’m guessing someone would figure it out.

  5. Jordan Weir said:

    The bible is an instruction manual for building a valuable soul. Jesus shows the way, tune into his frequency and follow his lead. Not all men are bad even nowdays, some will die for others to live. Love is the most precious gift we have, without it we are nothing. God is love, and works for the good of those who love him.

  6. Cecil Sheppard said:

    Not theories – there has never been a theory that was ‘wrong’ – they’ve been expanded, but never shown to be incorrect (although I have my doubts about one or two). (If you have an example of a THEORY in the history of science that has shown to be ‘wrong’, give it)

  7. Matt Dimbylow said:

    So, here are the facts as presented here:
    “This thing ( planet BD+20594b) is as BIG as Neptune”
    So, I’m gathering, in layman’s terms it is the same physical size or volume as Neptune, but then –
    “The planet is 16 x as MASSIVE as Earth”
    So, again in layman’s terms,the aforementioned planet is 16 x “heavier” than Earth. So far so good. It’s as BIG as Neptune AND 16 x more massive than the Earth, so that makes sense, but then it says-
    “But ( the planet) is just over twice as wide”( as the Earth)
    So, how does BD+20594b manage to be as big as Neptune but only a little over twice as wide as Earth when Neptune is both far bigger and more massive than the Earth?

  8. Matt Marvel said:

    Im sure it was a gas giant at one point in time but being that close to the star its solar winds stripped away its atmosphere leaving its rocky core

  9. Matt Marvel said:

    Maybe they put into account how much more mass Neptune has because of its thick atmosphere. Maybe they mean the size of Neptune minus its thick atmosphere idk trying to make some kind of logic out of it.

  10. Oliver Laureano said:

    Hmmm. That makes sense. So maybe the planet grew as a gas giant and then gravitated closer to the star? Or, conversely, the star expanded to the point its surface came close to the planet and burned away the atmosphere?

  11. Oliver Laureano said:

    Around the time they were finding the first extrasolar planets, I remember reading about a gas giant that orbited its star at a similar range to that of the Earth. It’s an exciting time for astronomy. So many things to discover.

  12. Matt Marvel said:

    Yes it is people are discovering new planets orbiting star systems everyday. It’s only a matter of time until we discover one that could be considered a 2nd Earth

  13. Oliver Laureano said:

    I read they’re in the process of devising ways to trace the chemical composition of a planet’s atmosphere by looking at its orbital footprint, I guess you can call it. One of the clues they would look for is abundant oxygen in the atmospheric trail.

  14. Drew Detzi said:

    Dude I love$#%&!@*like that I think you have to be crazy if you think we just got lucky and think that there is only life on Earth I would like to think somewhere out there there is a place like Earth or a planet that sustains life!

  15. Chris Mears said:

    Under europas icy crust is an ocean some 60 miles deep…of water. If there is any kind of thermal activity (undersea volcanoes, etc.) Theres probably life.

  16. Daniel Grinuk said:

    Well how big is the core of jupiter? Im guessing aboit the same size. And being so close to its star, makes sense that the star would have stripped its gasses away and left the large rocky core. Not sure what the mystery is.

  17. Matt Shaw said:

    Every fucking exo planet defies what scientists think, quit being click bait assholes, everyones sick of “shocking, “unbelievable” and every thing else.

  18. Rayquaan Warren said:

    The universe is vast and there are infinite probabilities. There are planets the size of our sun floating out there. Planets come in different shapes and sizes and there are giant pieces of rock out there that eventually turn into terrestrial planets as big as our sun and even bigger. There’s life on other planets that don’t apply to earth terms. There’s life that can live without water but need other elements and liquids to survive. There’s life that breaths nitrogen, life that drinks bleach and their bodies need that to operate. Earth isn’t exclusive to advanced life, especially since earth is young compared to other planets and systems. The Big Bang created a lot of things and it’s crazy to think that life in the universe follows earth/human rules.

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