Top 10 List of Evidence There Is Alien Life

The quest for alien life is a fascinating discussion and is often debated.  Some people are convinced aliens have abducted people and been here already with the building of the pyramids and crop circles.  Others say it is complete bogus and even doubt there is life elsewhere in the universe.  That being said we still have not all witnessed an actual extraterrestrial (and known it) or seen even simple bacteria on the moon or Mars for example!  So here are 10 of the most compelling pieces of evidence in support of alien existence.

Let’s find out what’s on the list in the video on page 2

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  1. Robert R Larsen said:

    Two things I noticed about this post..

    1. In the above article/post whatever you want to call it they say Earth is closer to the Sun than Mars.
    2. As a article backed by science I found several misspellings of words and just to many errors or typos to actually believe what they have to say. I’m not saying there is no other life forms besides the ones on Earth because I am a big believer in ancient aliens but I am saying that I will not use this as a credible source of information to back that theory.


