What Happens When a Neodymium Magnet Reaches Terminal Velocity?

Here are some words from the home experimenter on the challenges and successes he encountered:

So i was not sure what exactly is going on here from a force stand point so i asked someone smarter this is what he told me…
“This is a classic angular rotation/centrifugal force (or is it centripetal?) Problem. As the angular speed increases, the force required to keep it together increases (obviously). The fun comes in the hexagonal structure of the overall mass and the “subcells” ill call them. The radial force is transferred through the lattice using these angular “bonds”
“The fun part is determining if it flies apart at the edge, or further in because the inner bonds have to resist the outward acceleration of all subcells further out. I bet the first delamination occurs at the point where the air contacts the mass. That exact point has to deal with the force of the air and the magnets. “

We think these types of magnets will be used in more and more applications in the future including in new types of transportation.

We hope you like the video and don’t try this without the supervision of a professional!



