Woman Can Light Her Sink Water On Fire…Not Good

Uh…what do you think of THIS?

Not sure how this is anything other that a how is that possible phenomenon?  We have heard about fracking and its potential issues.  Hydraulic fracking involves fracturing rock with a combination of water, chemicals and sand to extract natural gas and oil energy.  As the world’s population booms and we use an every increasing amount of energy, fossil fuel engineers have turned to more inventive methods to find energy.  I won’t get political here but will show this video of a woman lighting her sink water on fire.    She feels it is from the contamination of the local water supply due to fracking.

What do you think of this?

Watch her light it up in the video on the next page

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  1. Greg Peters said:

    I had well water at a house I rented and the water would burn. It’s natural methane in the well. Harmless as long as you don’t light it 😛

  2. Devin Wielar said:

    They actually found out later that the lady in that documentary had a waterline that was drilled in a has pocket and actually had nothing to do with Hydraulic Fracturing.

  3. Devin Wielar said:

    This happens a lot when natural gasses mix with water wells and lines. It happens in all sorts of places around the country (and the world)

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