350 Year Old Question About Time Has Been Answered

Here is a continuation of the potential uses:

“We could verify that the energy transfer is through a sound pulse,” said co-author Luis Melo, from Lisbon University’s physics department.

Here is more information on how they work from wikipedia:

A pendulum clock is a clock that uses a pendulum, a swinging weight, as its timekeeping element. The advantage of a pendulum for timekeeping is that it is a harmonic oscillator; it swings back and forth in a precise time interval dependent on its length, and resists swinging at other rates. From its invention in 1656 by Christiaan Huygens until the 1930s, the pendulum clock was the world’s most precise timekeeper, accounting for its widespread use.[1][2] Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries pendulum clocks in homes, factories, offices and railroad stations served as primary time standards for scheduling daily life, work shifts, and public transportation, and their greater accuracy allowed the faster pace of life which was necessary for the Industrial Revolution.

We hope you like this cool video of a homemade clock and now we know the answer to this 350 year old question!

thanks to theguardian.com for the great info



  1. Albert J. Guilliot said:

    Yea, so it’s early in he morning here, about to have my second cup of coffee… I have to go to work but I feel like I can clear up some of this confusion about time and base 60 wave oscillations and their effects in a relative domain If I had more time. The byproduct might just be more confusion after reading this But nothing ventured ‘… I think the proposition above is correct about the sound but incorrect as the cause and effect. In short, all points of space are equal distance from the processor*** and gravity is merely what streaming data is to quantized data as a continuous flow*. Start there and see if you can figure out the whys… Harmonic sympathy and interference patterns are the “harmonic residence” you speak of and everything we know is a product of cymatic photonics to put it broadly. The incoming waves have a very universal speed that I call the Planck’s duration. It’s just a duration of a Planck size wave pattern in base 60 mathematics. Hint, the focal nodes are the same for all wave oscillations with fixed ends. I have combined my knowledge of music,physics,geometry,theology,science,and myth. Just friend me if you want to keep hearing crap like this, I can’t seem to stop. 🙂

  2. Lukkas Anahata Gartin said:

    I feel like they never say what the question actually is. From what it says you have to figure out that for some reason to pendulum clocks near each other eventually fall in rhythm together.

  3. Bryan Ramsaroop said:

    I used to have a similar opinion, but it’s not that time doesn’t exist, it’s just subjective, as proved by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Your past, present, and future, or some variation thereof definitely exists.

  4. Ben Reed said:

    That’s an interesting hypotheses. Now prove it or come up with a set of predictions that if proven true will support it.

  5. Albert J. Guilliot said:

    I have already, in my own mind, but would rather like you to make up your own mind as well. Pushing opinions is a slippery slope however I will attempt to answer any questions as to how I am assuming such things. I assure you that my chain of thought is of a skeptic which makes the fact that I’m saying any if this a unlikely event perhaps even paradoxical. I’m not that smart to begin with but when the puzzle pieces fit so nicely my doubt is greatly reduced. I do have many predictions and don’t know where to begin exactly….

  6. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    VIBRATION – same principle used by Qi Gong masters to break several pieces of 1 inch tiles with ease. Strength is not the deciding factor – precise speed and momentum. Too hard a punch would dispersed the energy – too soft the punch would not break all the tiles.


