Ancient Map of Jupiter Has Changed Astronomy Forever

they found an astronomical map that is 1,000s of years old…

They decoded this ancient tablet and what they discovered was amazing.  Many archaelogists and historians were aware of the Egyptians and their advanced astronomical notes from thousands of years ago.  Many civilizations in South America had advanced record keeping of the stars as well.  However this discovery surprised everyone.  Here is more on the find:

A historian has just decoded a mysterious trapezoid from ancient Babylonian astronomical tablets. After analysis of the tablet, it has been concluded that Babylonian astronomers had calculated the movements of Jupiter using an ancient form of geometric calculus. Keep in mind that this is approximately 1500 years before we thought this type of math was invented by the Europeans.

Did you have any idea about this?  What does this tell us about astronomy at the time?

Let’s find out more about this ancient map on page 2

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  1. Ami Jaswa said:

    Hardly shocking though that ancient Egyptians had knowledge of Calculus. The Indian mathematician Bhaskara II had discovered differential calculus by 1150. Google him and his work and you will see his contributions to astronomy and mathematics predated the west’s discovery of certain principles


