Ancient Map of Jupiter Has Changed Astronomy Forever

This is a brief summary of the potential implications of the find:

“This means that these ancient Mesopotamian astronomers had not only figured out how to predict  Jupiter’s paths more than 1,000 years before the first telescopes existed, but they were using mathematical techniques that would form the foundations of modern calculus as we now know it.” 

This is a big discovery, the tablet is one out of hundreds that were excavated during the 19th century. Anthropologists and archaeologists have been working for more than one hundred years trying to decode all of them. They are from around 100 or 200 BC.

Do you think they used this knowledge for crops, intellectual purposes or potentially something else?  What else do you think they have discovered from that time period about astronomical charting??

Check back for updates as they come in.

thanks to for the great info

thanks to for the great info


  1. Ami Jaswa said:

    Hardly shocking though that ancient Egyptians had knowledge of Calculus. The Indian mathematician Bhaskara II had discovered differential calculus by 1150. Google him and his work and you will see his contributions to astronomy and mathematics predated the west’s discovery of certain principles


