Guy Made “Magic Magnets” on a 3D Printer and They are BIZARRE

The comments on this video thread are all over the place and with a lot of positive feedback.  Here are some of them:

This technology is so new we haven’t even had time to think through all the applications. How would you use it? Leave a comment and then send this to your smart friends to see if they can figure anything out. For some reason my mind is drawn to the medical field. Prosthetics attachments maybe?

If the magnets were strong enough, this could be used to lock in heavy objects on some sort of grid, but then also move them with relatively little friction. Not sure what this would apply to but I think its a cool concept.

What do you think are these the next big thing and will they be used in a ton of new applications?  Or will the new advancements in these magnets not catch on and just be cool for the sake of it?

We will be posting more videos of these things as they get uploaded and thanks to the narrator!


  1. Sean Coleman said:

    How do I get ahold of some of these magnets or custom order. Because this can be game changing in certain aspects. What u think Michael Piel

  2. Jacob Mings said:

    Now all they have to do is stack the maxels and use the interactions to flip poles on the maxel level. like little solenoids or step motors and you could have a programable magnet.


