Cool Experiments articles

Did They Just PRove Time Travel at the Particle Level?

Did They Just PRove Time Travel at the Particle Level?

Many of us have heard about the double slit experiment where a photon can take a different path if someone observed it, proving when we look at things it changes their outcome.  The same theory has been applied to an atom as well: We all have times we wish we could go back in time

10 Billion Times Brighter Than The Sun

What is a synchrotron and how does it work?  Here is a rare look into one of the synchrotrons that creates a super bright light: By the numbers, the Diamond synchrotron facility in Oxfordshire, England, was a massive undertaking. The particle accelerator cost more than $500 million to build and is housed in a circular

The Coldest Molecules Ever Have Been Made

Awesome scientists have now made the coldest molecule ever: You might think you’ve been cold in your life – shivering on a windy shore or at the top of an exposed mountain peak – but in physics terms, you haven’t really been cold at all. Researchers in the US have been able to create molecules

Guy Makes Lightsaber With Real Laser

Styropyro is at is again and makes a lightsaber with a super powerful laser at home: Here is the biggest and baddest laser I’ve ever built!!! This laser is so powerful that I cannot even measure it on my meter, but it’s power is likely near 6W. This laser incinerates anything in its path!!! This

Coke vs. Molten Lead Experiment

Here is a rad video and the results might surprise you! What happens when you pour Coca Cola into a pan of molten lead? Obviously, ART occurs! I actually was hoping the Coke would boil off, and the syrup left behind would auto-ignite. However, a big surprise happened that even an art lover like me

Guy Makes a Vortex Fire Cannon…Seriously

This girl made a vortex fire cannon at home need I say more?  Using properties of physics here is more on how she did this and her inspiration: Pretty cool huh? The fire rings are amazing! How do you guys like the new style of video? In this video I show how easy it is

Laser Experiment Underwater Bending

Here is a cool experiment where a guy bends a 50W laser with water. He had this to say about his experiment: NEW DISCOVERY 🙂 the process of reflection is well known, but for communication and transmission underwater , and particularly for certain devices that could come in handy for underwater use , look up

They Made an Artificial Hurricane..Seriously

They made a hurricane in a lab in Miami none the less.  This is pretty incredible because it could pave the way for scientific advances into protecting the environment.  There is a fierce debate whether to seed rain with clouds and tamper with such things.  In China they have openly stated that they have experimented

Listening to Gravitational Waves

This is how researchers listed to gravitational  Here is a bit more background on the subject: A century ago, Albert Einstein postulated the existence of gravitational waves in his General Theory of Relativity. But until now, these distortions of space-time have remained stubbornly hidden from direct observation. At the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational

Huge Tesla Coil in Backyard

This home inventor made a ginormous Tesla coil in his backyard.  The video is actually titled armageddon Tesla coil which is kind of funny but also is a reference to the power of these things.  Many home inventors on youtube have built versions of these coils in the quest for free energy.  Many are convinced

Reverse Prism Experiment Looks Cool

A cool experiment is featured in this video where they make a reverse prism.  Here is more about what they used for this test: A portable optical circuit that houses 3 laser diodes, a 100mW 532nm Green Laser, a 50 mW 445nm Blue Laser and a 50mW 650nm Red Laser. Using a tunable power supply,

Laser Microscope DIY at Home Video

This is a cool laser microscope you can make at home and study things around you easily and inexpensively.  Here is a bit more on the video: Simple microscope using a laser pointer and a magnifying glass. This differs from the water drop method and produces results more like a traditional microscope with enlarging via

The Coldest Place in the Universe

This shows how to create pretty much the coldest place in the universe.  Here is a bit more on how they do it: A Bose-Einstein Condensate of sodium atoms is created in lab at MIT by Martin Zwierlein. Using highly focused, single frequency lasers it is possible to cool the single sodium atoms, negating their

Anti Gravity Experiment is Pretty Cool

Here is a neat experiment making the guy in the video feel like there is no or very little gravity on the wheel he is spinning.  Many of us have spun gyroscopes and seen them balance and this is much cooler in the large scale.  It is called gyro precession and here is a bit

Physicists Use a Scientific Phenomenon for a Cool Invention

This super cool physics effect called the Leidenfrost effect has been harnessed and actually used for an invention! It is an unusual phenomenon that allows water droplets to levitate and even climb uphill.   Physicists at the University of Bath have harnessed this quirk of physics to create a thermostat without moving parts.  That’s pretty cool,

Guy makes a volcano lightsaber at home..pretty cool

Lightsabers and lasers are awesome and here is another neat one made at home.  The home expeimenter had this to say about his device: This is a custom volcano inspired saber I built for my youngest brother using TCSS hilt pieces with a custom paint job by me to achieve a rocky, weathered look. Internals
