Author Archives: LostInSpace

“Beyond” is an Input Device That Spans 3D Into a Screen

“Beyond” is an Input Device That Spans 3D Into a Screen

This is a very intelligent and cool concept that will likely progress from here.  Jinha Lee who is a scientist at MIT made this really awesome video on pushing the limits on what we think input actually is in regards to a computing device.  He describes this demonstration as such: When pressed against a screen,

Inventor Makes a Flying Car..Is This For Real?

It looks like a prop from a sci fi movie.  This tenacious inventor and tenacious individual has been obsessed with making a real functional flying car.  When asked what it feels like to be off the ground in this thing the inventor describes it, at the risk of counding cliche as similar to “being on

Efficient Hydro Generator Made at Home

Ok this is pretty cool.  This home inventor makes a vertical turbine hydro generator system using a stream in his backyard.  Mark from this video was also seen on the television show “America Unplugged”.  He takes us to his barn to show us more of the components he used and information on how to construct a

Why are There Ants in Space? This Article Explains

Ants are in space oh my gosh!  Well at Stanford University they launched an interesting study that not only examines the behavior of ants under different gravitational environments but also encourages more students to get involved in science. Last year, eight groups of ants flew to the International Space Station, boosted by a rocket and

Really Cool Small Cubes That Self Assemble

The team at MIT does it again with advancements in robotics.  In this video they demonstrate modular robots that change their geometry according to the task.  Its awesome because most robots are designed for a specific task and they have a fixed architecture.  They will perform that single task well but not be able to

Guy Makes RFID Garage Door Opener Using Arduino

If you’re an arduino fan or just learning, or havent’t heard about it here is a breakdown.  Arduino is an open source microcontroller that you can program to do amazing things.  Their boards are inexpensive and have a wide array of configurations such as the Ethernet Shield, Yun, Leonardo, Wifi Shield and more.  The basic

4d Printing? Wait We Just Started With 3D

Ok now if you thought 3D printing was the future they are already talking about 4D printing.  What does that even mean?  What is the fourth dimension?  In this case they are referring to ojects being able to move after they have been 3d printed (on their The scientist spearheading this at MIT can

Bending a Laser With a Stream of Water

This is a cool experiment where the scientist bends a laser with a stream of water.  Note its a green laser for all you Star Wars fans :).  All our life we’ve been told that light travels in straight lines.  It can also appear to bend under the right conditions and they show you how

Who Wants to 3D Print a Lightsaber? Here’s How

Ok when you first saw Star Wars did you not obsess about having your own lightsaber?  I did and there were millions on planet earth, (perhaps more in the galaxy) that did as well.  Behold, these gentlemen show you how to 3D print a lightsaber with a few steps.  Wow could you imagine if they

This Horticulturalist Makes a Home Auqaponics Using Arduino

This gentleman is fascinating and very creative.  He grew up on a Christmas tree farm and went to college to get a degree in horticulture.  He always wanted to start his own farm but that can be costly to manage, irrigate and fertilize.  Currently he’s growing cilantro, chives, onions, parsley, basil and other herbs and

Guy Makes a Circuit Board Using Chemical Etching at Home

Ok this is definitely for serious hardware techies but can be enjoyable for anyone to watch or who is ambitious in home experimenting.  The inventor makes 2-layer circuit boards at home using a laser cutter and chemicals.  Some of the more well known players in the etching and lithography space are ASML lithography who acquired

Is Light a Wave or a Particle?

Is light a wave or a particle?  Centuries old double silt experiment helps us shed light 😉 on this extremely old question.  Here the narrator in the video reexamines this test in modern society and starts off by asking a lot of common folk what they think light actually is.  You may be surprised to

The Number Pi is Beautiful Through Data Visualisation

The number Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028 (and many more 🙂  Numberphile takes us through the beauty of the number with data visualisation.  Most scientists are happy with scatterplots and boring black and white boring graphs.  If we want to communicate data to the public we want it to be enjoyable.  And the more we can show

Home Tetris Coffee Table Table Made With Arduino

Ok this home Arduino enthusiast makes an incredibly cool LED coffee table that is a giant game of Tetris.  How awesome is that?  If you don’t know what Arduino here is the description from their site: Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your

Scary the Number 6 6 6 Decoded by Numberphile

The numberphile as he calls himself dives in to the mystery behind the number 6 6 6.  It has been called the number of the beast.  What does that mean?  In addition to being referenced in the bible with such a description it has interesting mathematical properties.  Apparently that number also turns up in the

Awesome Raspberry Pi Cluster

Ok this is cool.  Guy makes a 33 raspberry pi beowulf cluster at home.  In case you didn’t know what raspberry pi is, it is a low cost credit card sized computer that can plug into a monitor and keyboard.  It uses programming languages such as Scratch and Python.  It also makes it easy for
