Aliens articles

BANNED: When is NASA Going to Reveal What is Known About Alien Life?

BANNED: When is NASA Going to Reveal What is Known About Alien Life?

A veil of secrecy has covered the topic of extraterrestrial life for some time now.  So much so, that the result of one ‘open Q&A’ on the topic resulted in one group “Collective Evolution” being suspended for life. Good riddance? Or Good Grief? The question to most researchers into the topic of alien life isn’t if but when.

Mysterious “Alien Message” Revisited 41 Years Later

no one knows what this was… If this strange message is real it was possibly from galaxy Messier 13.  The S.E.T.I. program received a strange message many decades ago.  Although there has been much debate, no one can prove the origins.  It is very controversial with many people saying it was a hoax or a misread.

Could This New Method For “Finding Aliens” Actually Work?

now THAT is crazy clever… Astronomers have sent radio signals into space and have hyper targeted their new search.   This new sophisticated system is quite clever.  Quality not quantity that’s what they say right? There have been many methods used to search for alien life and this is the first of its kind. And up

Top 3 Reasons Why We Haven’t “Seen” Aliens Just Yet

are these valid and will we encounter extraterrestrial ever? A very clever philosopher examines this paradox further with 3 fascinating and thought provoking explanations. The main crux of it is basically the contradiction of the seemingly high likelihood of extraterrestrials given the vastness of the visible universe yet the fact that “most” of us have

NASA Was Asked What Happens if we Find Aliens and They Said…

is their answer surprising? NASA was asked what if we find aliens and their reply surprised a lot of people.  In an interview NASA was questioned on many different subjects, including the controversial and out there topic of a warp drive.  The one discussion that piqued our interest was about extraterrestrials. Often we hear discussions of

Can Any of These Exoplanets Hear Us if…

now THIS could be worth watchin’ They found 74 new exoplanets. So we have heard from NASA and their big announcement except the exoplanet is 1,400 light years away.  Here is some more perspective on the finding and in what context it’s potential significance: Today, NASA announced Kepler has identified 500 more possible planets, bringing

What is This Latest NASA Hoopla All About?

a UFO??  is this bogus? Have you heard this is making a buzz and has been covered by some large sites and news sources.  Now there are rumors about another UFO sighting.  One that some are saying was abruptly cut off.  Does that sound like total bogus or is there something to that? Apparently there

This Guy Tried to Decode a Crop Circle..Is He Right?

is he crazy or crazy smart? This guy has a really interesting theory about crop circles.  He also claims to have had contact personally with many alien life forms in the last few years.  I am not one to judge, anything is possible.  There have been certain crop circles that have been poorly formed and

S.E.T.I. has a “New Way” to Search for Aliens

what will they FIND? They just raised $100 million dollars and are spending it on finding aliens…seriously. One Astronomer described this technique as 100x more powerful. S.E.T.I. is of course the non profit organization that scours the universe for evidence of extraterrestrials. And the team has a new system they are excited about: Stephen Hawking,

NASA Was Asked What Happens if we Find Aliens and They Said THIS

their answer may be a bit surprising! NASA states a perspective that may be very different than what you would expect!.  In an interview NASA wasquestioned on many different subjects, including the controversial and out there topic of a warp drive.  The one discussion that piqued our interest was about extraterrestrials. Often we hear discussions of this

8,000 Year Old Hand Prints Found to be NOT From Humans

Who made these things? In an Egyptian cave scientists have been BAFFLED by this discovery.  This region of the planet never ceases to amaze.  From the pyramid at Giza, to the Nubian pyramids to the Sphinx, there are mysteries and incredible structures throughout the country.  Now you can add another bizarre fact to the list:

Top 3 Ways Aliens Could Travel Across Space

does this sound crazy or crazy smart? From the S.E.T.I. experiments in the 1970s to advanced computer models there has been debate on how to travel far in space one could travel.  This is one of the most debated and discussed topics in all of science.  How would extraterrestrials space travel?  Would it involve some type
